Connecting to Active Directory


I have a new computer Windows 8.1 Pro that I'm trying to connect to our domain. I made an account for the computer in the active directory that it should use but when trying to connect as that it says the account already exists. I tried with another name from the client computer and it says it connects to the network but doesn't give access to the drives that the client needs. I'm using Windows server 2008 r2. 



Edited: Isn't it true that I need to create the account in the Active Directory before I the client with Windows 8.1 Pro joins the domain? But why does it gives a reply that the account already exists? I find no way of telling whether the error message is talking about an account in the Active Directory or if it is talking about an account on the new machine.

  • Edited by Nitman Thursday, July 09, 2015 6:04 PM
July 9th, 2015 2:41pm

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