powershell running out of order
Import-Module activedirectory
$opt = read-Host 'Would like to see a list of DNs from which to choose? (y/n)'
switch ($opt)
y{Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' | FT Name, DistinguishedName -A}

Write-Host 'Enter the full DN of the OU you want to scan (for users): ' -ForegroundColor green
$dn = Read-Host "example: ou=company,dc=domain,dc=local"
get-aduser -SearchBase "$dn" -filter * -property * | select name, lastlogondate | Sort-Object lastlogondate 
Write-Host 'there are your users'

This runs fine, but if the read-host answer is Y, then the last line "write-host 'there are your users'" is outputted BEFORE the results are.  However, if the answer is N, then the last line is outputted last. What is wrong with my script that inputting a Y makes the script process out of order?

  • Edited by SlickUSA 15 hours 4 minutes ago
March 18th, 2014 3:31pm

I've also tried it using IF statement, no dice this way either...

$opt = read-Host 'Would like to see a list of DNs from which to choose? (y/n)'

if ($opt -eq 'y')
    {Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' | FT Name, DistinguishedName -A}

Write-Host 'From the list above, enter the full DN of the OU you want to scan (for users): ' -ForegroundColor green
$dn = Read-Host "example: ou=company,dc=domain,dc=local"
get-aduser -SearchBase "$dn" -filter * -property * | select name, lastlogondate | Sort-Object lastlogondate 
Write-Host 'there are your users'

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March 18th, 2014 3:52pm

Default pipeline output is a bit odd when you try to run multiple commands like that (and mix in Write-Host as well). You can tweak that behavior by explicitly piping your Get-ADOrganizationalUnit and Get-ADUser pipelines to Out-Host, instead of allowing them to go to Out-Default when the whole block of code is run.
March 18th, 2014 5:01pm

Not exactly sure, but I have found anomalies similar to this when mixing output between explicit write-host statements and just letting a pipeline spew its output onto the screen. I think there seems to be some kind of expectation that objects emitted to the pipeline should have the same shape, otherwise the output of the get-process command would not change from a table style to a list style when preceded by output from a different command, i.e.:

PS M:\> get-process | select -first 5

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
     76       8     1232       3960    42            4492 armsvc
   1163      41    23116      37652   151            1964 CcmExec
   1583      69    44972      16616   517            1864 ccSvcHst
    298      27     6140       3232    93     0.23   6920 ccSvcHst
     43       6     2268       5520    54     0.12   3676 conhost

PS M:\> get-eventlog 'application' | select -first 5 ; get-process | select -first 5

   Index Time          EntryType   Source                 InstanceID Message
   ----- ----          ---------   ------                 ---------- -------
    8535 Mar 18 14:28  Error       Application Hang             1002 The program iexplore.exe version 9.0.8112.16533...
    8534 Mar 18 14:28  Information Windows Error Rep...         1001 Fault bucket , type 0...
    8533 Mar 18 10:13  0           Software Protecti...   1073742727 The Software Protection service has stopped....
    8532 Mar 18 10:13  Information Software Protecti...   1073758208 Successfully scheduled Software Protection serv...
    8531 Mar 18 10:08  0           Software Protecti...   1073742726 The Software Protection service has started....

Id      : 4492
Handles : 76
CPU     :
Name    : armsvc

Id      : 1964
Handles : 1163
CPU     :
Name    : CcmExec

Id      : 1864
Handles : 1583
CPU     :
Name    : ccSvcHst

Id      : 6920
Handles : 298
CPU     : 0.2340015
Name    : ccSvcHst

Id      : 3676
Handles : 43
CPU     : 0.1404009
Name    : conhost

PS M:\>

I think the answer lies in not expecting these various types of output to work as consistently as you might expect.

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March 18th, 2014 5:06pm

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