Unable to Create an array of Hash table for populating with 'NA' values for missing data

Hi Powershell Team,

I am trying to Create an array of Hash table.

Currently, I get the result of the below command to a csv file.

#Array Declaration

[array]$Output = @()

Foreach ($User in $UserCSV)

#Search for my user in a file, if exists in AD, get following properties

$output += Get-ADUser $SA_name -Properties UserPrincipalName, CanonicalName, Description, Title, userWorkstations, Enabled, LockedOut, PasswordExpired,PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires,whenChanged,whenCreated -ErrorAction Stop | Select UserPrincipalName, CanonicalName, Description, Title, userWorkstations, Enabled, LockedOut, PasswordExpired,PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires,whenChanged,whenCreated 

#Else I want to form my own Key Value pairs for the similar to the output of Get-ADUser

$output +=  @(@{"UserPrincipalName"="NA"}, @{"CanonicalName"="NA"}, @{"Description"="NA"}, @{"Title"="NA"}, @{"userWorkstations"="NA"}, @{"Enabled"="NA"}, @{"LockedOut"="NA"}, @{"PasswordExpired"="NA"}, @{"PasswordLastSet"="NA"}, @{"PasswordNeverExpires"="NA"}, @{"whenChanged"="NA"}, @{"whenCreated"="NA"})


#Put all these stuff into another excel.

# If User was present, it should output his properties, else, it should output NA against his properties.

#Currently, if I don't do this, i'm getting lesser rows for user properties resulting in mis-match in the final csv

Import-Csv $ImportFile -Delimiter ',' |
    Foreach { $_.Status = $Status[$i++] ; $_ } | Select-Object *,@{Name='UserPrincipalName';Expression={$($Output[$i++]).Title}} |
    Export-Csv $ExportFile -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation





Lets say the user does NOT exist in AD, then I need to output NA against his properties.

In the final CSV, I would require the output as shown below:



After a bit of to and fro, got it to work for 1 key-value pair via below snippet:

$output +=  @{"UserPrincipalName"="NA"}

Import-Csv $ImportFile -Delimiter ',' |
    Foreach { $_.Status = $Status[$i++] ; $_.UserPrincipalName = $($Output[$j++]).UserPrincipalName; $_}|

Hopefully, should work if I add other properties as well.

Will update soon.


+=  @{"UserPrincipalName"="NA"}#, @{"CanonicalName"="NA"}

$output +=  @{"UserPrincipalName"="NA"}#, @{"CanonicalName"="NA"}




Corrected the Syntax by self.

Was trying to access it as multiple array elements via Name-Expression pair-like syntax as I needed to place a key-value pair as an Array Element.

This was because earlier, these values were placed in another csv via below command:

#Import a few values & add empty columns into a temporary CSV for now

Select SystemName, Name, @{Name=ServiceAccount;Expression={$_.StartName}}, state,startmode, @{Name="Status";Expression={""} }, @{Name="UserPrincipalName";Expression={""}} , @{Name="CanonicalName";Expression={""}}  } |

Corrected line looks like:

#Get the values here

$output +=  @{"UserPrincipalName"="NA";"CanonicalName"="NA"}

#Export it to CSV here

Import-Csv $ImportFile -Delimiter ',' |
    Foreach { $_.Status = $Status[$i++] ; $_.UserPrincipalName = $($Output[$j]).UserPrincipalName;$_.CanonicalName = $($Output[$j++]).CanonicalName;$_}|
    Export-Csv $ExportFile -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation

September 6th, 2015 10:09pm

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