Set-ACL - Method Failed with error code 1337

Hello everyone,

I am writing a code that searches through our folders and finds home drives and profiles that do not have a corresponding AD object and delete them, i.e. for people that have left and their profile was never deleted. I am using the following script to run against one user and I keep getting the errors : Method Failed with error code 1337.

this is underlined in RED for the error: Set-acl -path "$Folderpath" -aclobject $currentACL

Error: the data area passed to the system is too small

this is underlined in RED for the error: Takeown.exe /f "$folderpath" /R /D Y /A


Function Get-ACLError($Folder){


$Errorarray = @()

get-childitem "$Folder" -Recurse -erroraction silentlycontinue | select Fullname


      $errorarray = $error + $errorarray

       foreach($err in $errorarray){

        if($err.fullyqualifiedErrorID -eq "DirUnathorizedAccessError,Microsoft.Powershell.Command.Getchilditem"){

         Write-host "Unable to Access $Err.TargetObject" -foregroundcolor yellow








Function Take-Ownership{




     Takeown.exe /F "$folderpath" /R /D Y /A

     $currentACL + Get-ACL "$folderPath"

     Write-host "..Adding Admin to $Folderpath" -fourgroundcolor yellow

     $systemACLPermissions = "Administrator","Fullcontrol","containerinherit,objectinherit","none","allow"

     $systemaccessrule = new-object $systemACLPermission


     write-host "..adding Infrastructure to "Folderpath" -fourgroundcolor yellow

     $adminACLPermission = "mydomain","fullcontrol",containerinherit,objectinherit","none","allow"

     $systemaccessrule = new-object $adminACLPermission


     Set-ACL -path "$Folderpath" -Aclobject $currentACL


 Take-ownership "XXXX\home\(SID)" -recurse |get-aclerror; remove-item "XXXX\home\(SID)"

Any help would be appreciated.

  • Edited by Richardlaw Wednesday, August 26, 2015 4:22 PM
August 26th, 2015 4:08pm

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