Robocopy Bug - Unnecessarily Copies files with the same Owner

Robocopy detects changes made in file security on the destiation as a change in ownership.  This forces the file(s) to be copied when the file should be skipped.  When performed on a large data set, this adds significant time.  Am I doing something wrong?  I'd like to have this bug confirmed and submitted.


To repeat this bug you can:
1. Run This command - Robocopy <Source> <Destenation> /MIR /Copyall
2. On the destination, right click a file and click properties.  Go to the security tab and add user or group the file.  Click ok.
3. Run this command - Robocopy <Source> <Destenation> /copy:DATO /E /S /PURGE
4. You will see that robocopy copied this file and did NOT skip it as is should have.
5. Change the permissions on the destination file once more by adding a different user or group to the file security permissions as you did in step #2.
6. Run this command - Robocopy <Source> <Destenation> /copy:DAT /E /S /PURGE
7. You will see that Robocopy skipped the file this time, now that the "O" was removed,  proving the bug.

  • Edited by Caleb44 10 hours 6 minutes ago
August 28th, 2015 4:55pm

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