Power Shell script can't run on Server 2008 R2 but can run on Windows 8.1

Dear All,

I am try to run  a power shell script on my file server to move old user's file to another place.

I tested below script ,it can run succseful one Windows 8.1 environment .

But it can't run when I copy it to windows server 2008 R2 file server.

I already add feature for Active directory powershell but still can't.

It never show error message,i have no hints to solve.

Would you mind please help?

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$users = Get-Content C:\list\users.txt
$oldpath = '\\server\c$\temp'
$newpath = '\\server\c$\20150731'
$domain = 'domain'
foreach ($user in $users) {
    $folders = Get-ChildItem $oldpath
    foreach ($folder in $folders) {
        $acl = Get-Acl $folder.Fullname
        if ($acl.Owner -eq "$domain\$user") {
            Robocopy "$($folder.Fullname)" "$newpath\$user" /SEC /MAXLAD:30 /UNILOG+:robocopylog.txt

September 10th, 2015 2:27am

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