Performance Issue in TSQL Query

Hi all,

I have a TSQL code which takes 1 min 20 sec.  Kindly let me know the possibilities to increase the performance at least query runs in 20 to 30 sec. please find the below query:

DECLARE @Temp table ( idCol int identity(1,1) , MovementDate date, MovementTypeDesc varchar(60), CDCNumber varchar(12), MovementTime time(7), LocationReportMovement varchar(9), OtherLocationCode varchar(9), OtherInstitutionName varchar(50), InstReportMovement varchar(9), InstNameReportMovement varchar(100), OtherInstitutionCode varchar(9), movementTypeCD int, changeType varchar(30), pickupOrder int ) /* --Get All the transfer in and out patients except bed moves (where from and to locations are same) */ INSERT INTO @Temp ( MovementDate , MovementTypeDesc , CDCNumber , MovementTime , LocationReportMovement , OtherLocationCode , OtherInstitutionName , InstReportMovement , InstNameReportMovement , OtherInstitutionCode , movementTypeCD , changeType , pickupOrder ) SELECT MovementDate, MovementTypeDesc, mov.CDCNumber, MovementTime, LocationReportMovement, OtherLocationCode, OtherInstitutionName, InstReportMovement, InstNameReportMovement, OtherInstitutionCode, movementTypeCD, CASE WHEN movementTypeCD = 30 THEN 'Transfer In' WHEN movementTypeCD = 90 THEN 'Transfer Out' END AS ChangeType, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY mov.CDCNumber ORDER BY movementDate DESC) AS rankNo FROM [HCODS].dbo.vSTSExternalMovement mov WHERE InstReportMovement = '100000000' AND LTRIM(RTRIM(InstNameReportMovement)) <> LTRIM(RTRIM(OtherInstitutionName)) AND MovementDate BETWEEN '12/01/2013' AND '06/01/2014' AND movementTypeCD IN ('30', '90') --- 30 for Transfer In and 90 for Transfer out ORDER BY ChangeType; /* ----Get REST (ignore patients who were already listed in transfer in or out) of the patients with bed moves (where from and to locations are same, ----2 records one for out and one for in will be created in each case so just getting transfer in i.e movementTypeCd 30 to avoid duplicate records ) */ INSERT INTO @Temp(MovementDate, MovementTypeDesc, CDCNumber, MovementTime,LocationReportMovement, OtherLocationCode, OtherInstitutionName, InstReportMovement,InstNameReportMovement,OtherInstitutionCode,movementTypeCD, changeType, pickupOrder) SELECT MovementDate, MovementTypeDesc, mov.CDCNumber, MovementTime, LocationReportMovement, OtherLocationCode, OtherInstitutionName, InstReportMovement, InstNameReportMovement, OtherInstitutionCode, movementTypeCD, 'Bed Move' AS ChangeType, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY mov.CDCNumber ORDER BY movementDate DESC) AS rankNo FROM [HCODS].dbo.vSTSExternalMovement mov WHERE InstReportMovement = '100000000' AND LTRIM(RTRIM(InstNameReportMovement)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(OtherInstitutionName)) AND MovementDate BETWEEN '12/01/2013' AND '06/01/2014' AND movementTypeCD ='30' AND mov.CDCNUmber Not IN (SELECT CDCNumber FROM @Temp); ------* Actual Query *---- SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), movementDate, 101) AS movementDate, h.CDCNumber, prof.INMATELASTNAME AS PatientLast , prof.INMATEFIRSTNAME AS PatientFirst , prof.[INMATEHOUSINGAREAID] + prof.[INMATEBEDNUMBER] AS Housing, h.OtherLocationCode, h.InstNameReportMovement, h.OtherInstitutionName, h.OtherInstitutionCode, fac.LocationCode AS OtherFacilityCode,

appt.AppointmentID, appt.ServiceArea, appt.appointmentLength, appt.ProblemSymptom, appt.SourceOfVisit, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), appt.AppointmentDate, 101) AS AppointmentDate, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), appt.AppointmentTime, 108) AS AppointmentTime, appt.AppointmentStatus, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), appt.Compliance, 101) AS Compliance, appt.Location, appt.AppointmentStatusID, appt.LocationID, changeType FROM @Temp as h LEFT join v_AppointmentsLocal appt ON h.CDCNumber = appt.CDCnumber INNER JOIN [HCODS].[dbo].[vInmateProfile] AS prof ON prof.[ADCNUMBER] = appt.CDCnumber JOIN v_Facility fac ON h.OtherInstitutionCode = fac.SOMSInstitutionCode WHERE appt.FacilityID = '2' AND ServiceAreaID ='2' ----AND ServiceAreaID IN (@ServiceArea) AND (AppointmentStatusID IN (1, 2)) AND h.pickupOrder = 1 ORDER BY h.changeType DESC , OtherInstitutionName, appt.LocationCode, appt.appointmentStatus DESC


  • Edited by BI-Help Friday, August 28, 2015 9:47 PM
August 28th, 2015 9:45pm

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