Moving SCVMM from stand alone SQL to AlwaysOn group

The documented process is pretty simple. Uninstall SCVMM with Retain database option, Reinstall pointing to AlwaysOn listner and existing VMM database then done. However, when i try to do this i get this in SetupWizard.log

04:44:11:IntegratedInstallSource = 
04:44:11:CreateNewSqlDatabase = False
04:44:11:RetainSqlDatabase = 
04:44:11:ForceHAVMMUninstall = 
04:44:11:SqlServerPort = 0
04:44:11:SqlInstanceName = 
04:44:11:SqlDatabaseName = VirtualManagerDB
04:44:11:RemoteDatabaseImpersonation = True
04:44:11:SqlMachineName = SQLXD.ctxlab.local
04:44:11:SqlDBAdminName = svcsql
04:44:11:SqlDBAdminPassword = 
04:44:11:SqlDBAdminDomain = CTXLAB
04:44:11:SqlDataFileLocation = 
04:44:11:SqlLogFileLocation = 
04:44:11:IndigoTcpPort = 8100
04:44:11:IndigoHTTPSPort = 8101
04:44:11:IndigoNETTCPPort = 8102
04:44:11:IndigoHTTPPort = 8103
04:44:11:WSManTcpPort = 5985
04:44:11:BitsTcpPort = 443
04:44:11:VmmServerName = 
04:44:11:CreateNewLibraryShare = False
04:44:11:LibraryShareName = MSSCVMMLibrary
04:44:11:LibrarySharePath = C:\ProgramData\Virtual Machine Manager Library Files
04:44:11:LibraryShareDescription = 
04:44:11:SQMOptIn = False
04:44:11:MUOptIn = False
04:44:11:VmmServiceLocalAccount = False
04:44:11:VmmServiceDomain = CTXLAB
04:44:11:VmmServiceUserName = svcsql
04:44:11:VmmServiceUserPassword = 
04:44:11:TopContainerName = 
04:44:11:HighlyAvailable = False
04:44:11:HighlyAvailable2ndNode = False
04:44:11:VMMStaticIPAddress = 
04:44:11:Upgrade = 
04:44:11:InstallationLocation = C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Virtual Machine Manager
04:44:11:LocationOfSetupFiles = E:\amd64\setup
04:44:11:UI-VERSION = 1
04:44:11:BackupSqlDatabase = True
04:44:11:ScreensLoaded = 1
04:44:11:AddRemoveMode = 0
04:44:11:SERVER = 1
04:44:11:Collection LISTOFCOMPONENTSSELECTEDFORINSTALLING (System.Collections.ArrayList):
04:44:11:	[0] = SERVER 
04:44:11:PangaeaServer = 1
04:44:11:MSDeploy = 1
04:44:11:ARPComponentsNextPage = 2
04:44:11:ReloadPrerequisitesPageChoice = PrerequisitesProgressPage
04:44:11:LoadedPrerequisiteXmlFile = True
04:44:11:CountFilteredPrerequisites_Failed = 0
04:44:11:CountFilteredPrerequisites_Warning = 2
04:44:11:CountFilteredPrerequisites_PassedWithChoices = 0
04:44:11:CountFilteredPrerequisites_Passed = 7

04:44:11:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Root><Title TitleText="Management Server"><Detail state="Warning" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/Warning.png" name="Memory Check" descriptionBody="The recommended memory configuration for the VMM management server is 4000 megabytes (MB). This computer has only 2047 MB of memory." descriptionTitle="Insufficient computer memory was found." resolution="To remedy this condition, install more memory in this computer." /><Detail state="Warning" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/Warning.png" name="SQL Command Line Utilities Check" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="SQL Server Command Line Utilities are not installed on this computer." resolution="Install the SQL Server 2008 R2 Command Line Utilities from the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack ( or install the SQL Server 2012 Command Line Utilities from the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack (" /></Title></Root>


04:44:11:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Root><Title TitleText="Management Server"><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="Server Drive Space Check" descriptionBody="This computer contains at least the minimum required free disk space to install the VMM management server." descriptionTitle="The drive space check was passed." resolution="Delete files to create more free space on the hard disk." /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit Check" descriptionBody="The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit features required to run Microsoft System Center 2012 R2  Virtual Machine Manager are installed on this computer." descriptionTitle="The software check passed." resolution="To download the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, go to" resolutionDownloadPageTitle="Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)" resolutionUri="" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="WinRM Service Check" descriptionBody="Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service is running." descriptionTitle="The system check was passed." resolution="Run the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service." /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="NTFS Drive Check" descriptionBody="This hard disk is correctly formatted to install VMM features." descriptionTitle="The system check was passed." resolution="Format this disk as NTFS, or install VMM features on an NTFS disk on another computer. " /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="Windows Installer 3.1" descriptionBody="The required version of Windows Installer is installed." descriptionTitle="The system check was passed." resolution="Install Windows Installer 3.1 on this computer."><Buttons><Button Name="Windows Installer 3.1" Title="The system check was passed." Id="Msi 4.5" Text="Windows Installer 4.5" DelegateId="MSI4.5" DelegateNameSpace="Microsoft.VirtualManager.Configuration.SetupTasks,Microsoft.VirtualManager.Configuration" DelegateName="InstallWindowsInstaller45" DelegateValue="" HasPriority="True" NeedReboot="True" /></Buttons></Detail><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="PowerShell 3.0" descriptionBody="This computer is running the required version of PowerShell for VMM." descriptionTitle="The system check was passed." resolution="Install the required version of PowerShell." /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupVM;component/Images/GreenCheck.png" name="Pending Restart Check" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="No pending restart was found." resolution="Restart the computer, and then run Setup again." /></Title></Root>

04:44:11:PrerequisiteState = Warning
04:44:11:SqlDatabaseDetected = 1
04:44:11:SqlDatabaseVersion = 3.2.7510.0
04:44:11:Collection ItemsToInstall (System.Collections.ArrayList):
04:44:11:	[0] = Web Deployment Tool (Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.InstallItemsInstallDataItem) 
04:44:11:	[1] = VMM management server (Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.InstallItemsInstallDataItem) 
04:44:11:	[2] = Final Configuration (Microsoft.VirtualManager.SetupFramework.InstallItemsInstallDataItem) 
04:44:11:End of list Property Bag Values.
04:44:11:Exit Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.ReadyToInstallPage
04:44:11:Enter Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.ProgressPage
04:44:11:SetProgressScreen: StartMinorStep.
04:44:11:Doing Preinstall task for MSDeploy
04:44:11:ProcessInstalls: Install Item Web Deployment Tool has a Preprocessing delegate of MSDeployPreinstallProcessor.  Launching it now.
04:44:11:Doing Install task for MSDeploy
04:44:11:SetProgressScreen: Init MSI Install progress.
04:44:11:LaunchMsi: Msi mutex is not in use.
04:44:11:LaunchMsi: MSI to launch is: E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi.
04:44:11:LaunchMsi: Turning off the internal UI for E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi.
04:44:11:LaunchMSI:  Enable logging for the MSI at C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\WebDeploy.log.
04:44:11:LaunchMsi: MSI E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi is not in silent mode.  Setting the external UI.
04:44:11:LaunchMsi: Launching E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi with arguments 'REBOOT=ReallySuppress REBOOT=ReallySuppress'
04:44:12:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 9789
04:44:12:MsiInstallProduct finished for msi E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi.
04:44:12:LaunchMSI: MSI E:\amd64\setup\msi\MSDeploy\1033\WebDeploy.msi succeeded.
04:44:12:Doing Postinstall task for MSDeploy
04:44:12:ProcessInstalls: Install Item Web Deployment Tool was successful.  We will launch the post process delegate.
04:44:12:SetProgressScreen: FinishMinorStep.
04:44:12:SetProgressScreen: StartMinorStep.
04:44:12:Doing Preinstall task for PangaeaServer
04:44:12:ProcessInstalls: Install Item VMM management server has a Preprocessing delegate of PangaeaServerPreinstallProcessor.  Launching it now.
04:44:12:Doing Install task for PangaeaServer
04:44:12:SetProgressScreen: Init MSI Install progress.
04:44:12:LaunchMsi: Msi mutex is not in use.
04:44:12:LaunchMsi: MSI to launch is: E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi.
04:44:12:LaunchMsi: Turning off the internal UI for E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi.
04:44:12:LaunchMSI:  Enable logging for the MSI at C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\vmmServer.log.
04:44:12:LaunchMsi: MSI E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi is not in silent mode.  Setting the external UI.
04:44:12:LaunchMsi: Launching E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi with arguments 'INSTALLINGLANGUAGE = 1033 REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Virtual Machine Manager\" INDIGOPORT="8100" SERVERACCOUNTNAME="CTXLAB\svcsql" SERVICEACCOUNT="CTXLAB\svcsql" COMPANYNAME="" USERNAME="Windows User" WSMANPORT="5985" BITSPORT="443" LIBSHARENAME="MSSCVMMLibrary" LIBSHAREPATH="C:\ProgramData\Virtual Machine Manager Library Files" SQLPORT="0" INSTANCENAME="SQLXD.ctxlab.local" DATABASENAME="VirtualManagerDB" CONNECTIONSTR="Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=VirtualMachineManager;Max Pool Size=500;Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=true;Server=SQLXD.ctxlab.local;database=VirtualManagerDB" ONREMOTESERVER="1" SQLMACHINENAME="SQLXD" SQLMACHINEFQDN="sqlxd.ctxlab.local" INDIGOHTTPSPORT="8101" INDIGONETTCPPORT="8102" INDIGOHTTPPORT="8103" SETUPLANGUAGE="en-US"  REBOOT=ReallySuppress'
04:44:24:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 12441
04:44:28:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 1514709545
04:44:28:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 1514709545
04:44:53:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 2
04:44:54:MsiInstallProduct finished for msi E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi.
04:44:54:LaunchMSI: MSI E:\amd64\setup\msi\Server\vmmServer.msi succeeded.
04:44:54:Doing Postinstall task for PangaeaServer
04:44:54:ProcessInstalls: Install Item VMM management server was successful.  We will launch the post process delegate.
04:45:22:Windows feature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell already enabled, skipping
04:45:40:Windows feature WindowsStorageManagementService already enabled, skipping
04:45:59:Windows feature UpdateServices-API already enabled, skipping
04:46:00:VMMPostinstallProcessor threw an exception: Threw Exception.Type: Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.CarmineSqlException, Exception.Message: Unable to connect to the VMM database because of a general database failure.
Ensure that the SQL Server is running and configured correctly, then try the operation again.
04:46:00:StackTrace:   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.DB.SqlRetryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.SetupDatabaseHelper.AlterDB(String databaseName, String instanceName, String commandString)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.SetupDatabaseHelper.AlterDB(String databaseName, String instanceName)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.VirtualMachineManagerHelpers.CreateDB()
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Setup.InstallItemCustomDelegates.PangaeaServerPostinstallProcessor()
04:46:00:InnerException.Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException, InnerException.Message: The operation cannot be performed on database "VirtualManagerDB" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

Note that the account i'm running the setup from is a local admin on SCVMM server and I explicitly specify service account info in the wizard. Service account is an SA and has DB OWNER rights over the VMM database. 

December 23rd, 2014 2:18pm

Hi Wael,

Do you mean you have installed SCVMM and SQL  separately ?

According to the error , Please check if the port 1433 is in listening state on the SQL server .

netstat -an

Best Regards,

Elton Ji

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December 29th, 2014 8:30am

Did you find an answer to this problem?  I'm in exactly the same situation.
January 31st, 2015 7:41am

I'm about to attempt this, a move from remote standalone DB to one in an AAG so need to change VMM to point to listener of the DB.   Anybody done this successfully?  Either of the posters here find a solution?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 20th, 2015 11:28am

I believe you will need to temporarily remove the database from the availability group while you perform the installation.You will also probably need to re-register the SPNs as well.

May 25th, 2015 1:19pm

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