Merge replication errors
Hello everyone, please excuse my bad english since it is not my first language,

I'm in need of help with my merge replication it was working well and then someone added a column to one of the articles and it started giving errors.

I tried re-doing the whole merge again, and it worked well for the weekend with minimal uploads and downloads, but coming monday as more users started working with the database it started failing again.

I have also tried reinitializing, creating a new snapshot. Again it worked well without errors, until more users got to work, errors began.

I ran replmerg with -OutputVerboseLevel 4 -Output G:\repl_log4.txt and I got the log, but I can't pinpoint the problem. I can see this kind of messages right before the error:

2015-08-24 16:51:17.678 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,1,'70E745CA-740F-4EC0-BBFA-C73FD7F358CC')}
2015-08-24 16:51:17.685 The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write. 


2015-08-24 16:51:17.694 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.fdtrafico'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
(happens with different tables)

after that I get the generic error:

2015-08-24 16:51:17.751 The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. 
2015-08-24 16:51:17.755 Percent Complete: 0
2015-08-24 16:51:17.758 Category:NULL
Source:  Merge Replication Provider
Number:  -2147200999

Here's a more complete log, any help will be greatly appreciated:

2015-08-24 16:49:25.954 Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 10.50.4000.0
2015-08-24 16:49:25.961 Copyright (c) 2008 Microsoft Corporation
<cuting for posting>
2015-08-24 16:49:28.280 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumdeletesmetadata(?,?,?,?,?,?,0,?,?,90)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.280 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'2A3F9D68-2E52-4F23-A03F-8D79CF9F8EAC')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.289 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.299 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.299 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'2A3F9D68-2E52-4F23-A03F-8D79CF9F8EAC')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.299 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.315 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'F9B37EA9-7E00-40A0-AE20-959B9EA80830')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.322 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.327 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.328 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'6B8AF1FD-6978-4CDC-9D50-088B7ACB649E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.333 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'F9B37EA9-7E00-40A0-AE20-959B9EA80830')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.334 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.341 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'ECBF3F26-8FB3-4665-84E4-D16884BF035E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.345 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.346 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.350 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.351 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'7581D96A-7FB2-4659-91F8-E2330E55CD29')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.358 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'6B8AF1FD-6978-4CDC-9D50-088B7ACB649E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.360 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.371 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'4E9B5DEC-E40F-45B2-ABAB-860FE3C48DFA')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.371 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.392 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.410 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.411 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'D5E705A9-9B57-444B-B30F-325E09FC2FF4')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.415 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'ECBF3F26-8FB3-4665-84E4-D16884BF035E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.420 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.427 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.427 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.427 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'2A8CB8F7-78D9-44DB-80CB-E0DD5E7C7022')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.435 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'7581D96A-7FB2-4659-91F8-E2330E55CD29')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.436 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.446 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'137F11F3-00D1-46DD-A13F-1AE0155EF908')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.446 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.458 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.466 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.466 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'3F78DDB0-DC47-43B0-8C34-655E079A7E27')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.471 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'4E9B5DEC-E40F-45B2-ABAB-860FE3C48DFA')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.474 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.483 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.483 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'E45A4ED4-1D38-4B54-B385-DD8F8CB79E64')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.500 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'D5E705A9-9B57-444B-B30F-325E09FC2FF4')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.501 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.508 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'BC5CC320-4587-4A57-8996-5A0B18BDC7F7')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.514 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.520 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.525 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'2A8CB8F7-78D9-44DB-80CB-E0DD5E7C7022')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.536 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.536 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.562 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'137F11F3-00D1-46DD-A13F-1AE0155EF908')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.574 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.574 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.599 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'3F78DDB0-DC47-43B0-8C34-655E079A7E27')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.611 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.611 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.615 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'E45A4ED4-1D38-4B54-B385-DD8F8CB79E64')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.617 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {?=call [dbo].[MSmerge_upd_sp_DE742F5417E54E092A9F38EFBC6948CC] ('3F78DDB0-DC47-43B0-8C34-655E079A7E27',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,?,NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,90)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.626 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.631 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'BC5CC320-4587-4A57-8996-5A0B18BDC7F7')}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.658 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.675 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }{call sp_MSupdategenhistory (?,?,?,?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:28.686 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSsetlastsentgen (?, ?, ?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.696 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sp_MSsetlastrecgen (?, ?, ?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.699 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.706 [3%] OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:27.272 Percent Complete: 3
2015-08-24 16:49:28.722 Uploaded 1 change(s) in 'ffirma_digital' (1 update): 1 total
2015-08-24 16:49:28.724 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetreplicastate (?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.725 Repl Agent Status: 3
2015-08-24 16:49:28.728 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetreplicastate (?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.730 OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.735 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSgetalternaterecgens (?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.738 [3%] OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_is_makegeneration_needed(?, ?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.730 Percent Complete: 3
2015-08-24 16:49:28.744 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sp_MSgetmakegenerationapplock_90(?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.746 Downloading data changes to the Subscriber
2015-08-24 16:49:28.749 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSmakegeneration (?, NULL,NULL,NULL,100)}
2015-08-24 16:49:28.751 Repl Agent Status: 3
2015-08-24 16:49:28.757 OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:30.346 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sp_MSreleasemakegenerationapplock}
2015-08-24 16:49:30.349 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumgenerations90 (48888,?,0,?,?,?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.616 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.629 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.641 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.653 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.664 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.727 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.739 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.777 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.811 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }{call sp_MScheckexistsgeneration (?, ?) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.836 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }{call sys.sp_MSinsertgenhistory (?,?,?,?,?,?,90) }
2015-08-24 16:49:37.859 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.859 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumdeletesmetadata(?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,?,90,1)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.883 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'2A3F9D68-2E52-4F23-A03F-8D79CF9F8EAC')}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.886 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.886 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.898 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.905 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.905 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'F9B37EA9-7E00-40A0-AE20-959B9EA80830')}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.910 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'452515F0-5DB5-480C-B329-55EDA4E6DC30')}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.914 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.976 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.983 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.989 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.989 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,1,'452515F0-5DB5-480C-B329-55EDA4E6DC30')}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.994 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.999 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:37.999 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'B7FCE6C3-F42B-4B90-9D1E-2FF623C18A41')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.004 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'6B8AF1FD-6978-4CDC-9D50-088B7ACB649E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.010 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.022 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.043 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.043 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'E4480F98-DE50-4446-A800-AE551CAC0F4A')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.048 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'ECBF3F26-8FB3-4665-84E4-D16884BF035E')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.050 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.055 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.056 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.056 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'0C3487BA-50C8-4F97-9664-55D650BA8A8F')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.063 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'B7FCE6C3-F42B-4B90-9D1E-2FF623C18A41')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.063 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.070 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.076 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.076 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'E4480F98-DE50-4446-A800-AE551CAC0F4A')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.082 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.088 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.088 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'4D816585-465F-4ECD-8527-E0469FAE3DF9')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.098 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'0C3487BA-50C8-4F97-9664-55D650BA8A8F')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.100 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.106 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.107 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'C653F703-9B23-490E-B55E-936F457FEE5F')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.113 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'7581D96A-7FB2-4659-91F8-E2330E55CD29')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.117 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.121 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.121 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.129 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.129 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'4E9B5DEC-E40F-45B2-ABAB-860FE3C48DFA')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.134 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'59420CB6-EF6D-4C09-B21C-846B1B7E10D1')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.140 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.144 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.149 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.149 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'4D816585-465F-4ECD-8527-E0469FAE3DF9')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.154 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.159 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.164 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.164 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'C653F703-9B23-490E-B55E-936F457FEE5F')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.170 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.176 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.176 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'70E745CA-740F-4EC0-BBFA-C73FD7F358CC')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.182 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'D5E705A9-9B57-444B-B30F-325E09FC2FF4')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.189 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.198 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.198 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'459962BB-567C-4B6E-B441-F52DB8353039')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.203 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'59420CB6-EF6D-4C09-B21C-846B1B7E10D1')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.212 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.217 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.223 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.223 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'2A8CB8F7-78D9-44DB-80CB-E0DD5E7C7022')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.228 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'AF521159-EEEC-4B16-BA30-4865616D53DF')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.231 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.244 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.272 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.272 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'3DD18C1C-033F-4A9C-98E0-A97D3F11E7D5')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.297 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'137F11F3-00D1-46DD-A13F-1AE0155EF908')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.298 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.303 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.304 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.304 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'80E15FDD-6950-4684-8E7B-58088BA04470')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.312 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'3F78DDB0-DC47-43B0-8C34-655E079A7E27')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.314 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.320 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.320 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?,'EB3CCB9E-BB44-4292-B23E-39E0A8043C88')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.325 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,0,'E45A4ED4-1D38-4B54-B385-DD8F8CB79E64')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.333 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new(?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.340 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.353 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.364 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSenumchangesdirect(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,90,1,1,'70E745CA-740F-4EC0-BBFA-C73FD7F358CC')}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.371 The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2015-08-24 16:49:38.387 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.395 Percent Complete: 0
2015-08-24 16:49:38.406 No data needed to be merged.
2015-08-24 16:49:38.409 Repl Agent Status: 4
2015-08-24 16:49:38.415 OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.420 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.427 Percent Complete: 0
2015-08-24 16:49:38.430 The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2015-08-24 16:49:38.432 Repl Agent Status: 6
2015-08-24 16:49:38.435 OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.440 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSmergeupdatelastsyncinfo (?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.448 Percent Complete: 0
2015-08-24 16:49:38.461 Category:NULL
Source:  Merge Replication Provider
Number:  -2147200999
Message: The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2015-08-24 16:49:38.463 Repl Agent Status: 3
2015-08-24 16:49:38.466 OLE DB Subscriber 'remo': {call sp_MSmergeupdatelastsyncinfo (?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.469 The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. 
2015-08-24 16:49:38.472 OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO': {call sp_MSmergeupdatelastsyncinfo (?,?,?)}
2015-08-24 16:49:38.475 The merge process was unable to update last synchronization information at the Publisher.
2015-08-24 16:49:38.479 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.482 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.485 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.487 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.490 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.495 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.497 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.500 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.503 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.505 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.508 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.510 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'remo'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.514 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.517 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.519 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO'
2015-08-24 16:49:38.524 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'ROMULO'

August 24th, 2015 2:16pm

It is hard to tell what is up here. Key here is this message "The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'"

Rebuild the merge replication indexes on the merge system tables on the publisher - msmerge_contents, msmerge_tombstone, and MSmerge_genhistory.

Check to see if there are other merge agents running, if so stop them and try to run this agent again with a higher value for Querytimeout.

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August 24th, 2015 2:53pm

Hi Hilary,

Thanks for your fast answer. I tried what you suggested but I still got the error.

This is what I did:

There was another merge agent running (successfully), so I stopped it.

Then I rebuilt and reorganized the indexes for msmerge_contents, msmerge_tombstone, and MSmerge_genhistory at the publisher (there was a lot of fragmentation, above 80%).

Then I ran the merge agent again.

Im still getting the same message:  "The merge process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'"

Maybe I skipped a step?

August 24th, 2015 3:37pm

I forgot to mention, I set the QueryTimeout of the Merge Agent to 3600 too.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 24th, 2015 6:46pm

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