How can I generate a script to choose only top 10 items from each table in SQL database?
I know how to generate scripts that would contain insert queries of all records in all tables. But how can I limit this to top 10 records only from each table?I can select "Data Only" when generating the script, but it generates insert queries for all data. How can get the script to have only top 10 record insert statements? These top 10 should be ordered by the primary key. Please advi
August 22nd, 2015 10:52am

I used the below stored procedure that would create the insert statements containing the top 10 records.

CREATE procedure  [dbo].[INS]                              
   @Query  Varchar(MAX)                                                          


       Set nocount ON                  

DEclare @WithStrINdex as INT                            
DEclare @WhereStrINdex as INT                            
DEclare @INDExtouse as INT                            

Declare @SchemaAndTAble VArchar(270)                            
Declare @Schema_name  varchar(30)                            
Declare @Table_name  varchar(240)                            
declare @Condition  Varchar(MAX)                             

SET @WithStrINdex=0                            

SELECT @WithStrINdex=CHARINDEX('With',@Query )                            
, @WhereStrINdex=CHARINDEX('WHERE', @Query)                            

Select @INDExtouse=@WithStrINdex                            
Select @INDExtouse=@WhereStrINdex                            

Select @SchemaAndTAble=Left (@Query,@INDExtouse-1)                                                     
select @SchemaAndTAble=Ltrim (Rtrim( @SchemaAndTAble))                            

Select @Schema_name= Left (@SchemaAndTAble, CharIndex('.',@SchemaAndTAble )-1)                            
,      @Table_name = SUBSTRING(  @SchemaAndTAble , CharIndex('.',@SchemaAndTAble )+1,LEN(@SchemaAndTAble) )                            

,      @CONDITION=SUBSTRING(@Query,@WhereStrINdex+6,LEN(@Query))--27+6                            

Declare   @COLUMNS  table (Row_number SmallINT , Column_Name VArchar(Max) )                              
Declare @CONDITIONS as varchar(MAX)                              
Declare @Total_Rows as SmallINT                              
Declare @Counter as SmallINT              

declare @ComaCol as varchar(max)            
select @ComaCol=''                   

Set @Counter=1                              
set @CONDITIONS=''                              

INsert INTO @COLUMNS                              
Select  Row_number()Over (Order by ORDINAL_POSITION ) [Count] ,Column_Name FRom INformation_schema.columns Where Table_schema=@Schema_name                              
And table_name=@Table_name         

select @Total_Rows= Count(1) FRom  @COLUMNS                              

             Select @Table_name= '['+@Table_name+']'                      

             Select @Schema_name='['+@Schema_name+']'                      

While (@Counter<=@Total_Rows )                              
--PRINT @Counter                              

    select @ComaCol= @ComaCol+'['+Column_Name+'],'            
    FROM @COLUMNS                              
Where [Row_number]=@Counter                          

select @CONDITIONS=@CONDITIONS+ ' +Case When ['+Column_Name+'] is null then ''Null'' Else ''''''''+                              

 Replace( Convert(varchar(Max),['+Column_Name+']  ) ,'''''''',''''  )                              

  +'''''''' end+'+''','''                              

FROM @COLUMNS                              
Where [Row_number]=@Counter                              

SET @Counter=@Counter+1                              


select @CONDITIONS=Right(@CONDITIONS,LEN(@CONDITIONS)-2)                              

select @ComaCol= substring (@ComaCol,0,  len(@ComaCol) )                            

select @CONDITIONS= '''INSERT INTO '+@Schema_name+'.'+@Table_name+ '('+@ComaCol+')' +' Values( '+'''' + '+'+@CONDITIONS                              

select @CONDITIONS=@CONDITIONS+'+'+ ''')'''                              

Select @CONDITIONS= 'Select top 10 '+@CONDITIONS +'FRom  ' +@Schema_name+'.'+@Table_name+' With(NOLOCK) ' + ' Where '+@Condition                        

Executing it as shown below would get me the insert statements.

EXEC dbo.ins 'item.ItemClass where 1=1 order by ItemClassID'

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August 23rd, 2015 8:28pm

As you mentioned you already have your query. Make sure it is order by clause is included

Then use the top 10 option.


below query returns all the rows based on salary earned.

Select * form employee   order by max(salary)

Below query only returns top 10 salary earners.

Select top 10  * form employee   order by max(salary)

August 24th, 2015 12:42am

 Select top 10 rows form all user defined tabled using a cursor .Select statement should b
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 24th, 2015 1:25am

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