Excluding VM's from cluster when auto adding them to Protection Groups in dpm2012r2

Our environment:

2 DPM 2012 r2 servers sitting atop a CSV. 1 for Dev VM's and the other for Production VM's. DB's for both on a remote SQL 2012 server.


New VM's are being added constantly to our Hyper-V cluster and I'd like to protect these without having to do a manual audit. I found a script called AddNewClusteredVM.ps1 that tackles this problem . I've tried and tested on our dev cluster and it works like a charm. I'd like to modify the script so it excludes some machines from inquiries. These are mostly template vm's or ones I don't want protected.

Need help adding exclusion parameters to the script so it excludes machines:

# AddNewClusteredVM.ps1

# 1. Parameters supplied to the script
param([string] $ProductionCluster = "", [string] $PGName = "") 

# 2. Failures are registered in Applocation events in the DPM server.
trap [Exception] { 
$log = Get-EventLog -List | Where-Object { $_.Log -eq "Application" }
$log.Source = "AddNewClusteredVM"
$log.WriteEntry("TRAPPED: $error[0]", [system.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Error,9911) 
$Error[0] #show on console

# 3. Prompt for missing parameters
$Productioncluster = read-host "Enter the cluster FQDN "
$PGName = read-host "Enter the name of your existing Hyper-V protection group "

$dpmservername = &"hostname"
connect-dpmserver $dpmservername

# Do not modify this line
$tape = "Short-term using tape"

# Hyper-V Writer guid
$guid = "66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de"

# 4. Search for the protection group name passed as input and exit if it was not found
$PGList = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $dpmservername)
$PG = $PGlist | where { $_.FriendlyName -eq $PGName}
if (!$PG) { Throw "Specified protection group [$PGname] is not found!" }

# 5. Obtain the list of protected clusters on this DPM server
$Cluster = Get-ProductionCLuster $dpmservername | ? { $_.ClusterName -eq $ProductionCluster}
if (!$Cluster) { Throw "Specified cluster name  [$ProductionCluster] is not found!" }

$RGList = @()
$joblist = @()
$global:DSlist = @()

# 6. Run inquiry on cluster to get list of available resource groups
write-host "Running Inquiry on" $Cluster.clusterName
$RGlist = Get-ProductionVirtualName $Cluster

# 7. Need to run inquiry on each resource group
foreach ($RG in $RGlist)
write-host "Running Inquiry on" $RG.NetBiosName
# 7.1 Inquiry is run in parallel and the event mechanism is used to signal completion of inquiry.
# 'DataSourceDetectionEvent' event signals the completion of inquiry. and the data sources obtained are added to the global variable
$joblist += register-objectevent -inputobject $RG -Eventname DatasourceDetectionEvent -Action {$global:DSlist += $($Event.SourceEventArgs.ProtectableObjects)}

# 7.2 Run inquiry
Get-Datasource -ProductionServer $RG -Inquire -Async

# 8. Scan through each job created in the previous loop
foreach ($job in $joblist)
# 8.1 Waiting for the job to run
while ($job.State -eq "NotStarted")
write-host "Waiting for inquiry to complete" $global:DSlist.count "item(s) obtained..."
sleep 1
# 8.2 Inquiry complete on all resource groups

write-host "Inquiry listed" $global:DSlist.count "item(s)..."

# 9. If object is a data source and of type Hyper-V and is currently not protected add to list of unprotected VMs
$unprotectedDSList = @(($global:DSList) | ? {$($_.Type.IsDatasource) -and ($($_.Type.Id) -match $guid) -and ! $($_.Protected)})

# 10. Exit if there are no unprotected VMs
if ($unprotectedDSList.count -lt 1) 
write-host "No new datasources found!"
exit 1

# 11. Obtain a modifiable protection group type
$MPG = Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup $PG

# 12. Perform the following for each new VM to add to protection
foreach ($ds in $unprotectedDSList)
write-host "Adding data source" $ds.Name "to" $MPG.FriendlyName
$npg = Add-ChildDatasource -ProtectionGroup $MPG -ChildDatasource $ds

# 12.1 Disk Allocation is skipped in case of short term protection being to tape.
if($MPG.protectionmethod -eq $tape) {continue;}
$x = Get-DatasourceDiskAllocation -Datasource $ds
Set-DatasourceDiskAllocation -Datasource $ds -ProtectionGroup $MPG

# 13 Note that this step will force immediate replica creation irrespective of the PG policy.
Set-ReplicaCreationMethod -ProtectionGroup $MPG -Now

write-host "Adding new Hyper-V data sources to" $MPG.FriendlyName

# 14 Save the changes to the protection group. Replica creation will be triggered immediately.
Set-protectiongroup $MPG

disconnect-dpmserver $dpmservername -erroraction silentlycontinue
"Exiting from script"

July 23rd, 2015 6:47pm

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