Disabling Wireless NICs on 64-bit machines while Ethernet Connection is being used

I am fairly new to Powershell scripting and I am trying to modify an existing script that disables the wireless NIC while connected to the network via ethernet.  If the user re-enables the wireless NIC, the script disables it again.  We have the script setup to run as a service on the end users' computers.

The script is using the Get-wmiObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration fields when finding the wireless card.  It is currently using the Description field.

We were having an issue with a bunch of machines and I was able to resolve it for the 32 bit machines, but the 64 bit machines with the Intel Wireless cards are not working with this script.  I wasn't sure if anyone had any ideas on how to get this to work.

I understand that the Intel Proset software has the option to disconnect from wireless networks when the ethernet cable is plugged in, but my boss wants it so that it reports into AD as a Custom Field for the Auditors.

Thank you.


September 3rd, 2015 10:21am

Here is the code we are using:

$global:nics = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
$global:wirelessNICS = @()
$global:nonWirelessNICS = @()
$global:OSVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$global:counter = 0

function Get-NICS {
$global:nics = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $global:nics.Count; $i++) {
$DHCPEnabled = $global:nics[$i].DHCPEnabled
$IPAddress = $global:nics[$i].IPAddress
$DefaultIPGateway = $global:nics[$i].DefaultIPGateway
$DNSDomain = $global:nics[$i].DNSDomain
$ServiceName = $global:nics[$i].ServiceName
$Description = $global:nics[$i].Description
$Index = $global:nics[$i].Index
if (($Description -like '*Wireless*') -or ($Description -like '*802.11*')){
#Write-Host "Wireless adapter $Description found at array index $Index "
$global:wirelessNICS += $Index
else {
#Write-Host "Didn't find it for $Description at array index $Index"
}#end FOR

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $global:nics.Count; $i++) {
$DHCPEnabled = $global:nics[$i].DHCPEnabled
$IPAddress = $global:nics[$i].IPAddress
$DefaultIPGateway = $global:nics[$i].DefaultIPGateway
$DNSDomain = $global:nics[$i].DNSDomain
$ServiceName = $global:nics[$i].ServiceName
$Description = $global:nics[$i].Description
$Index = $global:nics[$i].Index
$IPEnabled = $global:nics[$i].IPEnabled
if (($Description -notlike '*Wireless*') -and ($Description -notlike '*802.11*') -and ($Description -notlike '*Cisco Systems VPN*') -and ($IPEnabled -eq 'True') -and ($Description -notlike '1394*') -and ($Description -notlike '*Juniper*')) {
#Write-Host "Non wireless adapter $Description found at array index $Index "
$global:nonWirelessNICS += $Index
else {
#Write-Host "Didn't find it for $Description at array index $Index"
}#end FOR
}#end function Get-NICS

function IsWiredConnected {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $nonWirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentNIC = $nonWirelessNICS[$i]
$ConnectionStatus = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $CurrentNIC} | Select-Object Name,NetConnectionStatus
if ($ConnectionStatus.NetConnectionStatus -eq 2) {
return $true
else {
return $false
}#end FOR
}#end function IsWiredConnected

function IsWirelessConnected {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $wirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentWirelessNIC = $wirelessNICS[$i]
$ConnectionStatus = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $CurrentWirelessNIC} | Select-Object Name,NetConnectionStatus
if ($ConnectionStatus.NetConnectionStatus -eq 2) {
return $true
else {
return $false
}#end FOR
}#end function IsWirelessConnected

function IsWirelessDisabled {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $wirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentWirelessNIC = $wirelessNICS[$i]
$ConnectionStatus = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $CurrentWirelessNIC} | Select-Object Name,NetConnectionStatus
if (($ConnectionStatus.NetConnectionStatus -eq 0) -or ($ConnectionStatus.NetConnectionStatus -eq 4)){
return $true
else {
return $false
}#end FOR
}#end function IsWirelessDisabled

function ChangeNICStatus {
PARAM ($ifname = $(throw "Specify Interface name"),$state = "")
trap [Exception] {
Write-Host 'Ups! Something wrong.' -ForegroundColor Red

# These values depends on your OS language
$UpStateLabel = 'En&able';
$DownStateLabel = 'Disa&ble';

$st = 0;
if ($state.length -gt 0) {
 switch ($state.ToLower()) {
  'up' {$st = 1}
  'down' {$st = 0}
} else {
 $c =(gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter | ? { $_.NetConnectionID -eq $ifname }).ConfigManagerErrorCode;
 if ($c -eq 22) { $st = 1 } else { $st = 0 }

if ($st -eq 1) {
$StateLabel = $UpStateLabel;
} else {
$StateLabel = $DownStateLabel;

if ([int](([regex]('\d{1,3}')).match((gwmi win32_OperatingSystem).Version).ToString()) -le 5) {
$shell = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application;
$test=(($shell.NameSpace(3).Items() | 
? { $_.Path -like '*7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E*'}).GetFolder.Items() |
? { $_.Name -eq $ifname }).Verbs() | ? { $_.Name -eq $StateLabel }
if ($test -ne $null) { 
} else {
if ($st -eq 1) {
(gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter | ? { $_.NetConnectionID -eq $ifname } ).Enable() | Out-Null
} else {
(gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter | ? { $_.NetConnectionID -eq $ifname } ).Disable() | Out-Null
}#end function ChangeNICStatus

function DisableWirelessNICs {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $wirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentWirelessNIC = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $wirelessNICS[$i]}
}#end FOR
}#end function DisableWirelessNICs

function EnableWirelessNICs {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $wirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentWirelessNIC = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $wirelessNICS[$i]}
}#end FOR
}#end function EnableWirelessNICs

function DisableWirelessNICs {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $wirelessNICS.Count; $i++) {
$CurrentWirelessNIC = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Index -eq $wirelessNICS[$i]}
}#end FOR
}#end function DisableWirelessNICs

while(1 -eq 1) {

if ((IsWiredConnected) -and (-Not (IsWirelessDisabled)) -and ($global:WirelessNICs.Count -gt 0)) {

if ((-Not(IsWiredConnected)) -and (IsWirelessDisabled) -and ($global:WirelessNICs.Count -gt 0)) {

if ($global:counter -eq 60) {
$hostname = hostname
$getDate = Get-Date
$timeStamp = [string]::Format("{0} {1}",$getDate.ToShortDateString(),$getDate.ToShortTimeString())
$finalString = "$hostname,$timeStamp"
$finalString | Out-File "C:\Program Files\Manage-NICs\Manage-NICs-Log.log"
$global:counter = 0
else {

$global:wirelessNICS = @() #assigns a new/empty array for the next loop.
$global:nonWirelessNICS = @() #assigns a new/empty array for the next loop.

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
}#end WHILE

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September 3rd, 2015 10:28am

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