DB Connection Errors With NOP Commerce and GoDaddy Hosting

I've run out of db space on our godaddy site, so I set up a SQL Azure database server and deployed my database to it. I then added my website's IP address to the Azure allowed IP list.

The problem is that I cannot get my site to successfully connect to the Azure database. 

When I change the settings.txt to use the recommended connectionstring:
Server=tcp:myserver.database.windows.net,1433;Database=myuname;User ID=my@ID;Password={your_password_here};Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;

I get an ASP.NET error saying that the keyword 'Server' is not allowed...

When I try this one:
Provider=SQLNCLI11;Password=myPassword;User ID=[username]@[servername];
Initial Catalog=databasename;Data Source=tcp:[servername].database.windows.net;

or this one:
Provider=SQLNCLI10;Password=myPassword;User ID=[username]@[servername];
Initial Catalog=databasename;Data Source=tcp:[servername].database.windows.net;

I get an ASP.NET error saying that the keyword 'Provider' is not allowed...

When I try this one:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};

I get an ASP.NET error saying that the keyword 'Driver' is not allowed...

The only one that gets different results is this:
DataProvider: sqlserver
DataConnectionString: Data Source=tcp:myserver.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=databasename;Integrated Security=False;User ID=my@id;Password=mypassword;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=True

BUT....I get a 'no database instance' error on that....

..but if I tweak on any of the above connstr's a little bit and enable MARS or remove Encrypt=true, etc....sometimes, I get this error:

the argument 'nameorconnectionstring' cannot be null, empty or contain only white space.

Anyone else have this problem?
February 22nd, 2015 3:36am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 23rd, 2015 3:23am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

February 23rd, 2015 8:22am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 23rd, 2015 8:22am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

February 23rd, 2015 8:22am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 23rd, 2015 8:22am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

February 23rd, 2015 8:22am


Thanks for posting here.

Before that how are you trying to connect to the database. Are you using any tool such as Visual studio or SSMS.

As said that you are unable to connect to your Database. I suggest you to enable the ports on azure management portal, firewall rules and then check the connection strings available on the azure portal. Then try the settings as mentioned below.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses firewall rules to allow connections to your servers and databases.  You can define server-level and database-level firewall settings for the master or a user database in your Azure SQL Database server to selectively allow access to the database.

Server-Level Firewall Rules
Server-level firewall rules can be created and managed through the Microsoft Azure Management Portal, Transact-SQL, Azure PowerShell, or REST API.

Manage Server-Level Firewall Rules through Management Portal
1.From the Management Portal, click SQL Databases. All databases and their corresponding servers are listed here.

2.Click Servers at the top of the page.

3.Click the arrow beside the server for which you want to manage firewall rules.

4.Click Configure at the top of the page.
To add the current computer, click Add to the Allowed IP Addresses.
To add additional IP addresses, type in the Rule Name, Start IP Address, and End IP Address.
To modify an existing rule, click any of the fields in the rule and modify.
To delete an existing rule, hover over the rule until the X appears at the end of the row. Click X to remove the rule.

5.Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

Database-Level Firewall Rules
1.After creating a server-level firewall for your IP address, launch a query window through the Management Portal or through SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Connect to the database for which you want to create a database-level firewall rule.
a.To create a new or update an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_set_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example creates a new firewall rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @start_ip_address = '', @end_ip_address = ''

b.To delete an existing database-level firewall rule, execute the sp_delete_database_firewall_rule stored procedure. The following example deletes the rule named ContosoFirewallRule.

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule'

Connecting from AzureWhen an application from Azure attempts to connect to your database server, the firewall verifies that Azure connections are allowed. A firewall setting with starting and ending address equal to indicates these connections are allowed. If the connection attempt is not allowed, the request does not reach the Azure SQL Database server.

You can enable connections from Azure in the Management Portal in two ways:
Select the checkbox Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server when creating a new server

From the Configure tab on a server, under the Allowed Services section, click Yes for Windows Azure Services

Standard Connection Strings

User ID=[LoginForDb]@[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Use 'username@servername' for the User ID parameter.

Ref: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2012/09/managing-database-connections-in-azure.html

Hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 23rd, 2015 8:22am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo 22 hours 28 minutes ago
March 13th, 2015 4:46am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo 22 hours 18 minutes ago
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 13th, 2015 4:48am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo Friday, March 13, 2015 8:47 AM
March 13th, 2015 8:45am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo Friday, March 13, 2015 8:47 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 13th, 2015 8:45am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo Friday, March 13, 2015 8:47 AM
March 13th, 2015 8:45am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo Friday, March 13, 2015 8:47 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 13th, 2015 8:45am

I am the person who posted this question, but responding from a different account.

My website is not in the Azure cloud, but rather hosted elsewhere.

I can connect successfully to my newly created Azure database using SSMS 2012, with either the default (sa equivalent) login, or with the login I created to use with my new database. But, when I try to connect from my website application using either login, it returns a "no database instance" error.

When I used SSMS to deploy to Azure, I used the default login in Azure, and I am assuming that it imported the same password for that database user, correct?

I had already added my website's IP address to the allowed IP address list and just now followed your advice about adding a database level firewall rule, but still the problem persists.

I've almost wasted my entire free trial period tying to get it to work. Is premium support available? I only have 6 days left to evaluate before I am charged for nothing....



  • Edited by embryo Friday, March 13, 2015 8:47 AM
March 13th, 2015 8:45am

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