problem after domain controller server rename
I've recently changed my Domain Controller server name (Windows Server 2008 R2) to "AD-Princ", i changed it because I forgot to change the original name the server has by default (WIN-S8FJHD8). The problem is that I have a Exchange 2010 SP1 Server that has problem in his Management Console whit the nex problem: Unable to find "WIN-S8FJHD8" computer information in domain controller "WIN-S8FJHD8" to perform suitability check. Verify the fully qualified doamin name. It was running the command "Get-OrganizationConfig" And everytime I try to open something it shows me the same message, but the last part changes, like It was running the command "Get-FederationTrust" I also tried the option Modify Configuration Domain Controller, but when I browse to specify a Domain Controller it shows me the same message that appeared me first but the last part changes with It was running the command "Get-OrganizationalUnit -SingleNodeOnly | Filter-PropiertyEqualTo -Propierty 'Type' -Value "Domain". Thanks for your time.
May 11th, 2011 2:16pm

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