issue in starting service in server 2012


i have windows server 2012 and exchange 2013 i notice that some of services not running and cause some problem now when i try to run service like transport or other exchange services i get 1053 error.

what must i do?

August 30th, 2015 4:54pm

Few of us have memorized all event ID numbers and few of us are inclined to look up the numbers you've posted, so please post the entire event log entry.  You are welcome to use the handy-dandy "copy to clipboard" button in the event log detail window to assist you with this.

Have the services ever run or is this a new installation?  Did the install complete all the way through without error?

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August 30th, 2015 7:39pm


Does your exchange work fine ?

Please add the event log in details for further analysis.

Also please refer to the below link to fix the error:  



August 30th, 2015 10:12pm

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