Word 2013 - Review track color change for the same author


I was working on a Word 2013 doc with the option 'review track' on. All text changes made by me were in red.

After saving the document e reopen it and now making new changes they become blue.

The author is the same and - of course - the text become confused itself.

Where can I solve this?

Thank you all.

February 5th, 2014 1:45pm

If you have tracked changes colors set to "By author," Word assigns different colors to each different reviewer, but you have no control over which particular color is assigned to a specific rev

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February 5th, 2014 7:10pm

I guess that is not the answer mausim was going for.

Actually, I have the same problem, so I will elaborate:

The color of the changes made by me on day 1 are still there, when I open a document a few days later. Let's say, they are in color A - now, If I add new changes, they get color B. So, in the same document, there are comments by the same author (me) in different colors, depending on what day I made them.

That might confuse readers. I want MY changes always in one color (does not matter WHAT color, as long as it is always the same in a document.

Please advise.

April 6th, 2014 3:07pm

Different edits of yours have different colors in the same document? If so, it appears that Word doesn't recognize you as a single reviewer. Try the following: Under "Personalize...," select "Always use these values regardless of sign in to Office" on the General tab of File tab | Op

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April 7th, 2014 6:07pm

I have encountered the same problem with track changes. Logging in on the same computer from day to day leads my comments and track changes to show up in a different color than they did the previous day, making it look like 2 different people have made edits. I tried this solution you suggested, but it did not work. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you!
June 21st, 2014 5:09pm

I have encountered the same problem with track changes. Logging in on the same computer from day to day leads my comments and track changes to show up in a different color than they did the previous day, making it look like 2 different people have made edits. I tried this solution you suggested, but it did not work. Do you have any other suggestions?
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June 21st, 2014 5:22pm

I have the same problem, if I edit the same document on the same computer on different days, changes made to earlier changes are tracked, e.g. if I insert a word on day 1 and then delete it on day 2, the word does not just disappear (as in previous versions of Word), it appears as strike through

This is a real problem - I work in a commercial environment and do not want to disclose the evolution of my team's thoughts.

I can think of no possible use for the new behaviour of Word 2013 - would Microsoft please restore the behaviour of previous versions of Word in this respect.

(I have tried all the suggestions above and nothing works)

July 3rd, 2014 8:17am

Regarding ms word 2013 changing color of track change each time I reopen the same document -

I am not sure about this solution, but I have tried it sometimes and it worked.

I have seen the problem coming when a .doc document is edited in 2013.

So, if the received file is .doc, go to File-Info, convert it (next to compatibility mode) and save it as a new file in .docx

then close word and reopen this .docx file, and do changes in track change mode.

It retains same color for all track change for me, any number of times I open it.

If you have to send the file to the original sender in doc format only, you can convert it back to .doc after doing all changes, and then save as .doc and send. But once it is back to .doc format, the problem will reappear so don't edit in that file anymore.

As I am not sure whether this works for all, please give feedback whether it worked for you or not.


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July 27th, 2015 2:10am

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