Windows Server 2008 Editions with Exchange 2007
I am trying to plan out what versions of Windows Server 2008 to get for my Exchange 2007 deployment. I am getting 2008 standard for my CAS and HT roles, but for mailbox role I am not sure. We are going to do SCR. My questions are:
1. Do you need Windows Server 2008 Enterprise to do SCR? I assume no and that you only need it for CCR.
2. If you are going to install the Enterprise edtion of Exchange 2007 can that be installed on Windows Server 2008 Standard?
3. Are there any disadvantages of going with Windows Server 2008 Standard vs Enterprise other than you can't do CCR and you can't put in over 32GB of RAM? Any other big reasons to go with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise for my Exchange 2007 Enterprise edition mailbox servers or should I just save the money and go with Standard?
Thanks for the help.
April 1st, 2008 7:50pm
Most answers on you questions you can look at the following pages:,EXCHG.80).aspx
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April 9th, 2008 4:46pm