What is DAG and Transport Dumpster in Ms Exchange server 2010
Hi,This is venkat and i came to know about Flavors of Ms Exchange server2010 .Please let me know .Thanks venkat
October 4th, 2009 7:15am
DAG is new High Availability and Site Resilience Functionality and replaces CCR/SCR/SCC of Exchange 2007. Instead of explaining it over here, I would redirect you to technet links where you get proper information.
New High Availability and Site Resilience Functionality
Transport dumpster keeps the emails in retention on Hub transport server while transporting to CCR mailbox server based on settings configured for it in case CCR fail over occurs and data is in loss. This is introduced in Exchange 2007 but Exchange 2010 introduces new feature called "Shadow Redundancy" to provide redundancy for messages for the entire time they are in transit similar to the Transport Dumpster.
Understanding Shadow Redundancy
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd351027(EXCHG.140).aspxAmit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M | http://ExchangeShare.WordPress.com
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October 4th, 2009 9:08am
Hi, I am working System Engineer and also preparing Exchange server. how can i get interview point of Exchange server 2010 questions?
Ubaithu Rahuman
October 4th, 2009 1:02pm
Hi,Not sure what you mean by interview point.Remark that the new version of Exchange is called Exchange 2010 and it is a 64 bits system only.Leif
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October 4th, 2009 1:53pm
Flavours of Exchange 2010 is
Standard & Enterprise Edition.
Only 64 Bit Version is available.
Enterprise Edition can scale to 100 databases per server; Standard Edition is limited to 5 databases per server.
February 22nd, 2012 3:04am
Hi Rakesh,
I have a comment on the above mentioned details, as per my knowledge In Enterprise edition we can have only 50 database, as well in Std edition i am agreeing with you.
Sankaranarayanan E Wipro Technologies Bangalore India
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August 10th, 2012 8:36am
Hi Rakesh,
I have a comment on the above mentioned details, as per my knowledge In Enterprise edition we can have only 50 database, as well in Std edition i am agreeing with you.
Sankaranarayanan E Wipro Technologies Bangalore India
No, Rakesh is right.
In Exchange 2010 Enterprise Edition you can have as many as 100 Databases.
See: Exchange 2010: Editions and VersionsMartina Miskovic
August 10th, 2012 8:44am