User sees himself as organizer of recurring meetings he did not organize.
Exchange 2007SP3UR1 environment running on Server2003 machines. Real meeting organizers are both inside and outside the organization, using Outlook 2007, 2010.
A number of users see themselves as the organizers of recurring (only recurring) meetings, even though someone else organized the meetings. They open the meeting to decline and instead can only cancel the meeting. The list of people that cancellation email
would go to includes the affected user.
If you export the meetings in question as an ICS file, the organize is present and proper. If you open the affected user's calendar on another computer/outlook/handheld, it still looks wrong. Not everyone invited to the meeting is affected. I can't find
any special permissions between the relevant users, nor any calendar sharing. Affected users, of course, are so far partners of the firm. Problem dates back to Exchange SP2, and obviously spans various failovers of the (CCR) cluster.
Opened at a ticket with MS Support but so far they have nothing. Any help :)?
January 24th, 2011 10:30am
Hi shlotz,
I would do as below to do some truoubleshooting:
1. Check the tracking log to confirm the the meeting message whether is proper.
2. Is the exchange 2007 migrated from other email system?
3. Confirm there is no delegate setting between the relevant users.
4. Move the mailbox of the relevant users to other database, and make some tests.
5. Enable mailbox access audit, and confirm whether there are any information, could refer to:
Gavin Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 27th, 2011 3:17am
Hi guys,
Having the same problem - Running Exchange 2003 on Server 2003 and Exchange 2010 on 2008 R2 with Outlook 2007. User gets "As the meeting organizer, you do not need to respond to the meeting" when trying to accept or decline reoccuring
meetings. I them move his mailbox to the Ex2010 server but the problem is still there. I saw somewhere that someone proposed that it can be related to Iphone, palm and Nokia syncing - My problem user is using a Nokia with Mail for
No delegate settings between users.
Still investigating...
February 1st, 2011 3:52am
Hi Shlotz,
Sure, I also do more research about the issue, and many issue like this seems caused by using other device to sync with exchange 2010.
So, what about your scenario?
It is better to update the latest version for the device OS.
I would suggest that you could open a ticket from MS, it maybe need retrieve more log to analyze the issue.
Some related information:
How to troubleshoot missing and duplicate appointments in Outlook:;EN-US;890436
GavinPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 2nd, 2011 1:13am
I am having this same issue. One of my users is an attendee to a few recurring meetings. He is seen as the organizer and is able to cancel the meeting for everyone. It is not all recurring meetings as he is unable to cancel meetings on a different
He is not a delegate of the organizer's mailbox. He does have a Droid phone. This is very strange and I have no idea why this is happening.
February 25th, 2011 10:33am
I'm seeing this same issue. I accepted the meeting request from my Atrix (Latest Droid OS) and it appears to tinkering with permissions to the originators mailbox. I have no authority to this persons mailbox or what gives?
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April 4th, 2011 10:35am
@Gio - I just started seeing this issue and also recently got a Motorola Atrix. I have turned off the Gmail calender sync as suggested in other threads, will no longer accept meetings from my Atrix and see if that stops this behavior.
August 23rd, 2011 3:47pm
I am having this same issue as an end user. It is only for recurring appointments, and not every one. I do have an android phone (Droid X 2.3.3) with a synced calendar, but do not accept or manage any appointments from my phone.I stopped syncing and using
the calendar as a test, but the issue remains (though I NEED to see my appts from my mobile device so I have turned it back on).
I have scoured Google trying to find an answer and have found no resolution at this time.
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October 11th, 2011 4:02pm
Same issue here. Our company is using Droids, and we have a random mix of users and meetings that keep having this issue. Seems that all users with the issue are syncing on their phone.
November 1st, 2011 10:11am
Same issue going on here, we have a mix of users on 2007 and 2010. We also use droids and iphones here. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but I thought I'd add that in there. Its a shame Microsoft has not even attempted to address the issue.
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November 2nd, 2011 1:17pm
I'm in the exact same boat. My corporate IT team has no fixes, though many with the same problems.
Issues started soon after syncing with Atrix 4G even though I don't accept or create meeting requests on the phone.
The fact that we are hearing nothing from MS on this topic is a little scary.
December 10th, 2011 1:55pm
Microsoft has this issue documented in the following Knowledge Base article. Basically, your only recourse is to delete the damaged meeting from the affected user's calendar, and patch the Exchange Server to the referenced patch level for Exchange
2007 to prevent future issues.
Issue 1.2 - Attendee becomes meeting organizer
When you synchronize your iOS or Android device by using Exchange ActiveSync on an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox, you may unexpectedly become the organizer for a meeting that you were invited to. This does not change the meeting for all attendees.
This can occur if you change the reminder for a single occurrence of a recurring meeting on an iOS or Android device. There may be other property changes to meeting items that may result in the same symptom.
This issue is resolved in Rollup Update 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3. See the KB article below for additional information.
2521063 You are incorrectly displayed as a meeting organizer after you synchronize the meeting by using your mobile device in an Exchange Server 2007 environment
Note Affected meetings must be deleted and replacement meetings must be created after the servers are patched.
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December 19th, 2011 3:36pm
Is there a patch available to fix this for Exchange 2010? We are having this happen with our Exchange 2010 users and Mobile devices. They are up to date iOS wise and Android OS as well.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Jessica Cochran
January 10th, 2012 9:44am
do we have a fix like this for Exchange 2003 environment?
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March 22nd, 2012 5:17pm
Is there a fix for exchange server 2003?
April 2nd, 2012 4:46pm
Has anyone found a fix for Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2007? I'm having the same issue where all of a sudden the organizer can't update the recurring calendar entry to find out that a recipient is now the organizer and can update the entry.
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April 26th, 2012 4:45pm
Same issue here! We're running Exchange 2010 SP1 and most of our users connect with iPhones via ActiveSync. However, 1 of our 3 Android users experiences the issue where they respond to a meeting invite in Outlook 2007, but mysteriously become
the meeting organizer. They do not show up as the organizer on other attendee's meeting invites. When they cancel the meeting, it cancles the meeting for all other attendee's as well. If the user removes the ActiveSync connection from
the Android device, the issue ceases. Microsoft makes BYOD a scary proposistion.... Please help!
May 16th, 2012 1:28pm
On Wed, 16 May 2012 17:20:56 +0000, ZackSilver wrote:
>Same issue here! We're running Exchange 2010 SP1 and most of our users connect with iPhones via ActiveSync. However, 1 of our 3 Android users experiences the issue where they respond to a meeting invite in Outlook 2007, but mysteriously become the meeting
organizer. They do not show up as the organizer on other attendee's meeting invites. When they cancel the meeting, it cancles the meeting for all other attendee's as well. If the user removes the ActiveSync connection from the Android device, the issue ceases.
Microsoft makes BYOD a scary proposistion.... Please help!
Actually, the implementors (coders) of the ActiveSync protocol on
those devices are the scary ones.
Exchange 2007 SP3 UR4 fixes _some_ of the problems, but the code
running on the mobile devices are the largest offenders.
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
--- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
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May 16th, 2012 6:27pm