Updating from Exchange 2013 CU3 to CU5

What about databases?

Are they mounted?

Did you try restarting the server?
  • Edited by MAS0 Friday, July 11, 2014 1:21 AM
July 11th, 2014 4:08am

Maso, i restarted the server and was able to login EMS. Ran " Test-MAPIConnectivity" and found two DBs were not mouting. As Amit suggested, they were in a  dirty shutdown state. This was because the drives that contains the log files of the said DBs did not mount after a restart earlier ( i was updating windows OS initially). Once i got that corrected, update went smoothly.

Thank you very much :)

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 11th, 2014 11:38am

Maso, i restarted the server and was able to login EMS. Ran " Test-MAPIConnectivity" and found two DBs were not mouting. As Amit suggested, they were in a  dirty shutdown state. This was because the drives that contains the log files of the said DBs did not mount after a restart earlier ( i was updating windows OS initially). Once i got that corrected, update went smoothly.

Thank you very much :)

July 11th, 2014 11:38am

Updating using GUI on Server 2012.

Updating goes fine until step "Mailbox role: Mailbox service" and then I am getting the following error:


The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();

          $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName;

          $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxDisplayName;

          $dismbx = get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1;

          if( $dismbx -ne $null)


          $srvname = $dismbx.ServerName;

          if( $dismbx.Database -ne $null -and $RoleFqdnOrName -like "$srvname.*" )


          Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Setup DiscoverySearchMailbox Permission.";

          $mountedMdb = get-mailboxdatabase $dismbx.Database -status | where { $_.Mounted -eq $true };

          if( $mountedMdb -eq $null )


          Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Mounting database before stamp DiscoverySearchMailbox Permission...";

          mount-database $dismbx.Database;



          $mountedMdb = get-mailboxdatabase $dismbx.Database -status | where { $_.Mounted -eq $true };

          if( $mountedMdb -ne $null )


          $dmRoleGroupGuid = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.RoleGroup]::DiscoveryManagement_InitInfo.WellKnownGuid;

          $dmRoleGroup = Get-RoleGroup -Identity $dmRoleGroupGuid -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue;

          if( $dmRoleGroup -ne $null )


            trap [Exception]


              Add-MailboxPermission $dismbx -User $dmRoleGroup.Name -AccessRights FullAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;




            Add-MailboxPermission $dismbx -User $dmRoleGroup.Identity -AccessRights FullAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;





        " was run: "System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to mount database "Mailbox". Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)

Diagnostic context:

    Lid: 65256 

    Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----

    Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x8B6F19

    Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x8B70AF

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFC01

    Lid: 41344   Guid: 5de09d14-2b54-44e5-b1b8-410d65f82eb2

    Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x2238

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388   

    Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----

    Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454      [Database: Mailbox, Server: <servername>] ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.AmDbActionWrapperException: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)

Diagnostic context:

    Lid: 65256 

    Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----

    Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x8B6F19

    Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x8B70AF

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFC01

    Lid: 41344   Guid: 5de09d14-2b54-44e5-b1b8-410d65f82eb2

    Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x2238

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388   

    Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----

    Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454      [Database: Mailbox, Server: <servername>] ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.AmOperationFailedException: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)

Diagnostic context:

    Lid: 65256 

    Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----

    Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x8B6F19

    Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x8B70AF

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFC01

    Lid: 41344   Guid: 5de09d14-2b54-44e5-b1b8-410d65f82eb2

    Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x2238

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388   

    Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----

    Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454      [Server: <servername>] ---> Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionDatabaseError: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)

Diagnostic context:

    Lid: 65256 

    Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----

    Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x8B6F19

    Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x8B70AF

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B715A

    Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFC01

    Lid: 41344   Guid: 5de09d14-2b54-44e5-b1b8-410d65f82eb2

    Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x2238

    Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x8B7502

    Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388   

    Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454    

    Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----

    Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454    

   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.InternalThrowIfErrorOrWarning(String message, Int32 hresult, Boolean allowWarnings, Int32 ec, DiagnosticContext diagCtx, Exception innerException)

   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, IExInterface iUnknown, Exception innerException)

   at Microsoft.Mapi.ExRpcAdmin.MountDatabase(Guid guidStorageGroup, Guid guidMdb, Int32 ulFlags)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.StoreRpcController.<>c__DisplayClass9.<MountDatabase>b__8()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.SafeRefCountedTimeoutWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass2.<ProtectedCallWithTimeout>b__0()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.HA.InvokeWithTimeout.Invoke(Action invokableAction, Action foregroundAction, TimeSpan invokeTimeout, Boolean sendWatsonReportNoThrow, Object cancelEvent)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.SafeRefCountedTimeoutWrapper.ProtectedCallWithTimeout(String operationName, TimeSpan timeout, Action operation)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.AmStoreHelper.Mount(Guid mdbGuid, MountFlags flags)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.ActiveManagerCore.<>c__DisplayClasse.<MountDatabaseDirect>b__4()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.FailoverPerformanceTrackerBase`1.RunTimedOperation(TOpCode opCode, Action operation)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.ActiveManagerCore.MountDatabaseDirect(Guid mdbGuid, MountFlags storeFlags, AmMountFlags amMountFlags, AmDbActionCode actionCode)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.AmRpcServer.<>c__DisplayClass1b.<MountDatabaseDirect>b__1a()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.RunRpcServerOperation(String databaseName, RpcServerOperation rpcOperation)

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.ClientRethrowIfFailed(String databaseName, String serverName, RpcErrorExceptionInfo errorInfo)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ActiveManager.AmRpcClientHelper.RunRpcOperationWithAuth(AmRpcOperationHint rpcOperationHint, String serverName, String databaseName, NetworkCredential networkCredential, Nullable`1 timeoutMs, InternalRpcOperation rpcOperation)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ActiveManager.AmRpcClientHelper.RunRpcOperation(AmRpcOperationHint rpcOperationHint, String serverName, String databaseName, Nullable`1 timeoutMs, InternalRpcOperation rpcOperation)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ActiveManager.AmRpcClientHelper.MountDatabaseDirectEx(String serverToRpc, Guid dbGuid, AmMountArg mountArg)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.AmDbStandaloneAction.<>c__DisplayClass2.<MountInternal>b__0(Object param0, EventArgs param1)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.AmHelper.HandleKnownExceptions(EventHandler ev)

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.ClientRethrowIfFailed(String databaseName, String serverName, RpcErrorExceptionInfo errorInfo)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ActiveManager.AmRpcClientHelper.RunDatabaseRpcWithReferral(AmRpcOperationHint rpcOperationHint, IADDatabase database, String targetServer, InternalRpcOperation rpcOperation)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.MountDatabase.RequestMount(MountFlags storeMountFlags)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.MountDatabase.InternalProcessRecord()

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target, Boolean reThrow, String helpUrl)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.MountDatabase.InternalProcessRecord()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b()

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)"

Please help

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July 13th, 2014 7:42pm

Now i can't access ECP or EMS. Its in an incomplete installation state. Please help me rectify this error.

July 13th, 2014 7:51pm

What about databases?

Are they mounted?

Did you try restarting the server?
  • Edited by MAS0 9 hours 33 minutes ago
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 13th, 2014 9:22pm

Yes, they were mounted when i started, but cant access them now. Like i mentioned above, update hits error when the process goes to Mailbox role: Mailbox service
July 13th, 2014 9:37pm

Sounds like your mailbox database is in dirty shutdown state and setup is not able to bring it up. Try checking the state with "eseutil /mh databasepath". You might need to repair the DB at the last resort but try to find out what has caused it, I would start checking antivirus exclusion to ensure that is properly set or not. If file level antivirus is touching exchange files, database or logs then it might cause damage.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 13th, 2014 11:19pm

Glad you figured it out! :)
July 14th, 2014 9:37am

Maso, i restarted the server and was able to login EMS. Ran " Test-MAPIConnectivity" and found two DBs were not mouting. As Amit suggested, they were in a  dirty shutdown state. This was because the drives that contains the log files of the said DBs did not mount after a restart earlier ( i was updating windows OS initially). Once i got that corrected, update went smoothly.

Thank you very much :)

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 15th, 2014 4:52am

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