Unable to install the Exchange 2007 SP3 HUB Transport server in Exchange 2007 CAS server Role.
Hello Expersts .
I am trying to installed a Exchange 2007 HUB transport server on the Existing CAS server Role.
Exchange 2007 SP3
Windows 2008 server
VMWARE Virtual machine : 4.1.0345043
When i an tryin to install the HUB Transport server the setup is failing with the below error when run from the console as well as from the command shell.
Following error occure while installing the HUB transport server Role.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Active Directory operation failed on hostname.ab.xyz.co.uk. This error is not retriable. Additional information: A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.
Active directory response: 00002082: AtrErr: DSID-03151314, #1:
0: 00002082: DSID-03151314, problem 1005 (CONSTRAINT_ATT_TYPE), data 0, Att 92a3e7a0 (msExchServerInternalTLSCert):len 5127
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADOperationException: Active Directory operation failed on TVMWPDC01.ad.bgep.co.uk. This error is not retriable. Additional information: A value for the attribute was not in
the acceptable range of values.
Active directory response: 00002082: AtrErr: DSID-03151314, #1:
0: 00002082: DSID-03151314, problem 1005 (CONSTRAINT_ATT_TYPE), data 0, Att 92a3e7a0 (msExchServerInternalTLSCert):len 5127
---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: A value in the request is invalid.
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, LdapOperation ldapOperation)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.ExecuteModificationRequest(ADRawEntry entry, DirectoryRequest request, ADObjectId originalId)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.AnalyzeDirectoryError(PooledLdapConnection connection, DirectoryRequest request, DirectoryException de, Int32 totalRetries, Int32 retriesOnServer)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.ExecuteModificationRequest(ADRawEntry entry, DirectoryRequest request, ADObjectId originalId)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.Save(ADObject instanceToSave, IEnumerable`1 properties)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.EnableExchangeCertificate.UpdateActiveDirectory(X509Certificate2 certificate, ADSystemConfigurationSession systemConfiguration, Server server, TaskWarningLoggingDelegate warningWriter, ShouldContinueDelegate
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.EnableExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services, ADSystemConfigurationSession dataSession, Server server, TaskWarningLoggingDelegate warningWriter,
ShouldContinueDelegate confirmationPrompter)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SecureMail.SetInternalTransportCertificate.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ProcessRecord()
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] [ERROR] Active Directory operation failed on hostname.ab.xyz.co.uk. This error is not retriable. Additional information: A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.
Active directory response: 00002082: AtrErr: DSID-03151314, #1:
0: 00002082: DSID-03151314, problem 1005 (CONSTRAINT_ATT_TYPE), data 0, Att 92a3e7a0 (msExchServerInternalTLSCert):len 5127
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] [ERROR] A value in the request is invalid.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [1] Ending processing.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [0] The Exchange Server Setup operation did not complete. For more information, visit
http://support.microsoft.com and enter the Error ID.
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [0] End of Setup
[12/09/2011 08:53:11] [0] **********************************************
no event id logged which could say that this is the issue with any other component.
Plesae help to resolve this issue.
Best Regards
September 21st, 2011 12:51pm
Are you installing from the Exchange 2007 SP3 media?Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
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September 21st, 2011 8:02pm
Yes I am installing from the Exchange 2007 SP3 Media. CAS Role of Exchange 2007 SP3 is already installed on the server.harshu
September 22nd, 2011 4:08am
Hi Harshu,
I had a few problems installing SP3 I kept getting errors saying services were not started or were disabled.
I found that SP3 kept stopping and setting MS Exchange services while it was running the upgrade and nence could not then restart them as they were disabled. By opening up the services application and refresheding the status I was able to see and reenable
the affected services which helped me nurse to the service pack though the install.
Hope this helps.
regards Alan.
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February 27th, 2012 8:28am
Did you run prepare /AD before starting the setup ?
Thanks Mouzzam Hussain Visit to my Blog mouzzamh.wordpress.com
February 29th, 2012 12:09pm
Check your schema prior to the upgrade. Also make sure you have no Exchange 2010 servers.
I had the error DSID-03151314 when I put too much data into the schema. It's an AD error
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March 29th, 2012 11:30pm