We can delete custom form by clicking File > Options > Advanced >
Custom Forms in the
Developers section > Manage Forms...
I've tested the 'Alternative method to view the SCL Rating in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007' in
Microsoft KB895091
article and it worked in my Outlook 2013 environment. Please try the steps below for Outlook 2013 version:
1. Start Outlook 2013.
2. Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon
3. Select Developer under the Customize the Ribbon. Click OK.
4. Click on Developer tab on the Ribbon.
5. Click Visual Basic.
6. In the Visual Basic Editor, click
Module on the Insert menu.
7. Enter the following code.
Sub getSCL()
Dim inbox As Outlook.Folder
Set inbox = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Dim items As Outlook.items
Dim item As Object
Dim mail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim sclProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim strSCL As String
Set items = inbox.items
On Error Resume Next
'should it encounter an error, it will proceed to the next item.
For Each item In items
If item.Class = olMail Then
Set mail = item
Set sclProp = mail.UserProperties.Add("SCL Rating", olText, True)
'creates a user property called SCL Rating and adds the property to the folder.
strSCL = mail.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x40760003")
'schema value for PR_CONTENT_FILTER_SCL
sclProp.Value = strSCL
'saves the prop to the mail item
End If
Set sclProp = Nothing
End Sub
8. Name the module Get_SCL.
9. On the File menu, click
Save Project1 in order to save the project as VbaProject.OTM.
10. On the File menu, click
Close and Return to Microsoft Office Outlook.
11. Open the macro Get_SCL and click Run.
12. To see the SCL rating for each e-mail message, add a field to the mail folder's table view to display the SCL rating. To do this, follow these steps:
a. On the View tab, click
View Settings.
b. In the Advanced View Settings dialog box, click
c. In the Select available fields from list, click
User-defined fields in Inbox, click SCL Rating in the
Categories list, click Add, and then click
OK two times.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Steve Fan
Forum Support