Syncing Calendars between source mailbox to destination mailbox

One of our workers needs view access to his manager calendar from his iPhone.

i do not want to set the manager user&password in the worker's iPhone active sync account.

i thought on a powershell script that will run every 20 minutes that will copy all calendar meeting from date the scripts run until 1 month from the boss mailbox to the worker mailbox.

the worker do not have any meetings in his calendar.

i can use the script below but maybe there is more elegant way to do this without pst.

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox sourcemailbox -FilePath \\server\share\share.pst -IncludeFolders "#Calendar#"
New-MailboxImportRequest -Mailbox destmailbox -FilePath \\server\share\share.pst -IncludeFolders "#Calendar#"

any suggestions?

*i have exchange 2010 sp3


Aviv Hassidim

  • Edited by Sunday, July 26, 2015 7:46 PM
July 26th, 2015 7:46pm

This could be scripted more elegantly through Exchange Web Services, but it won't be easy.  Search-Mailbox allows copying to a mailbox folder but I'm not sure you can get a search filter that will do exactly what you want.  If you can, you could also qualify it with a date range to minimize the old you don't want.

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July 28th, 2015 12:56am

Hi Ed !

thanks for your answer.

can you write some sample script how to do it?

July 28th, 2015 2:18am

Sorry, all of my free time is consumed just answering questions, leaving none to write scripts for posters.
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July 28th, 2015 2:28am

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