Strange netbios issue...(probably)
I can't get my head arround an issue I've been facing the last days. Said that, I don't really know if I had it before, but I noticed it a couple of days ago. When I use the management shell and run a cmdlet using the 'domain/user' value it will fail when using the $AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $true setting Example: get-mailbox 'testeu\priemm' Get-Mailbox : The operation could not be performed because object 'testeu\priemm' could not be found on domain controller ''.At line:1 char:12 This does work with the $AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $false setting, but In think this is because the domainprefix is ignored and the local domain is queried. It also works when using the FQDN of the domain like this: get-mailbox '\priemm' What can be wrong??? My first gues would be Netbios, butNetdiag passes all tests and WINS resolution is working properly.... Any ideas? Cheers, Mark
July 17th, 2007 11:08am

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