Spam SenderIDConfig

I set this:

Set-SenderIDConfig -SpoofedDomainAction StampStatus

What is this stamp in message? Can i change it?

I want redirect all of stamp message to one mailbox. How i can do it?

September 8th, 2015 5:09am


Firstly, the Sender ID evaluation process generates a Sender ID status for the message. The Sender ID status is used to evaluate the spam confidence level (SCL) rating for the message. This status can be set to one of the following values:

  • Pass: Both the IP address and Purported Responsible Address (PRA) passed the Sender ID verification check.
  • Neutral: Published Sender ID data is explicitly inconclusive.
  • Soft fail: The IP address for the PRA may be in the not permitted set.
  • Fail: The IP Address is not permitted; no PRA is found in the incoming mail or the sending domain does not exist.None: No published SPF data exists in the sender's DNS.
  • TempError: A temporary DNS failure occurred, such as an unavailable DNS server.
  • PermError: The DNS record is invalid, such as an error in the record format.

If the sender domain shows evidence of being spoofed, the status of messages will be stamped to fail. The Fail SenderID has the capability to prevent spoofed messages from ever entering your environment.

We cannot redirect stamp message to mailbox.

Best Regards.

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September 8th, 2015 10:45pm


What level of SCL have message with stamp Fail?

And can i create transport rules for message with stamp "Fail" and redirect it?

September 9th, 2015 3:22am


You could find a spoofed message, open it in outlook, then check the message header 'X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL' to find the result.

If you find the SCL value of spoofed message, maybe we can create a transport rule using condition: 'The message has an SCL greater then or equal to' to redirect the messages.

Best Regards.

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September 9th, 2015 4:22am

Exchange server import anti-spam results to source mail (for instance  "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SenderIdResult:Fail"), so you can use transport rule that inspect message header. First of all, I think that you need to set value of SpoofedDomainAction to StampStatus
  • Marked as answer by sekii911 22 hours 25 minutes ago
September 9th, 2015 4:47am

Thanks all
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September 9th, 2015 4:59am

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