Showing Tentative accepted this meeting

When i submit the calendar invite Accept and notification to the organizer infobar shows X has tentatively accepted this meeting. 

Transaction scenario:

- Invite is send from xyz mail person to gmail attendee. Gmail attendee accept the invite and notification goes to xyz mail server -> message get processes and  forward the msg to xyz person. 

So we dont have sender address to be gmail in the end. From address would be xyz mail server id. 

  • Edited by iCIMS Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:32 PM
August 19th, 2015 7:31pm


Do you mean the InfoBar should show the meeting organizer's mail server id instead of the Gmail address? If you think so, I'm afraid this is not the case. The mail server is just like a mailman, it's not the one who sends you the mail, it just dispatches the mails from the sender to you.

If I've misunderstood something, please feel free to let me know.


Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support

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August 21st, 2015 4:38am

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