Send/Receive statistics
Hello, I want to know is there any tool in Exchange 2007 which can give me daily email statistics of send/receive like how many email send today how many receive. For example I want to know last month report of sending/receiving from my exchange server. Is there any tool or command? Secondly, how can I change an attribute of 500 users in one go. For example, I take user mailbox properties and there is tab name EMAIL ADDRESS, I want to add another smtp address and make it reply-to address. Let say Hasan is user, I right click on hasan mailbox, go to properties, then go to Email Addresses, there I add another smtp address in addition to one already have so I will have 2 email addresses i.e. and with reply-to address set to Is it possible to perform this operation in bulk and if YES then which cmdlet will be helpful and which parameters?
November 16th, 2009 8:11pm

I use third party tools for both. MessageStats for statistis and ADBulk import for changing attributes.
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November 16th, 2009 8:17pm

I use third party tools for both. MessageStats for statistis and ADBulk import for changing attributes. Regarding problem 1, let me tell you that i want send/receive stats of only Edge servers which is not on my domain and is on workgroup. I want send/receive stats of mails coming from external source and going to external source only. Regarding problem 2, ADBulk is for AD attributes changing, what about Exchange Mailbox attribute change as it is related to mailbox properties.
November 17th, 2009 7:33am

Hassan you can try this:even for exchange you can have some very basic reportin glike perf mon etc. You can have it on exchange on number of mails etc, but for that you need to track themessage tracking logs you can SCOM for very extensive reporting on exchange. The Managment pack for exchange can report Exchange2007 Mailbox Messages Delivered Report Exchange2007 SMTP Messages Sent report Exchange2007 SMTP Messages Received Report Also see these posts changing Email addresses of multiple users , have a look into this;
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 17th, 2009 8:08am

Hassan you can try this:even for exchange you can have some very basic reportin glike perf mon etc. You can have it on exchange on number of mails etc, but for that you need to track themessage tracking logs you can SCOM for very extensive reporting on exchange. The Managment pack for exchange can report Exchange2007 Mailbox Messages Delivered Report Exchange2007 SMTP Messages Sent report Exchange2007 SMTP Messages Received Report Also see these posts changing Email addresses of multiple users , have a look into this; Raj Thanks a lot Raj like always............Email address policy thing works. And about your many but similiar solutions, let me share with you that i have extracted message count by displaying Message tracking log in Powershell prompt and then export it into an excel file. The command which i used is Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start "10/17/2009 8:00AM" -End "11/17/2009 5:00PM" -eventid Send >"c:\send.xls"Thanks once again.
November 17th, 2009 2:24pm

Here is the script: ############################################## Info ################################################################################ # # Purpose: gather statistics of sent/received e-mail messages per recipient / maximum tracking log time # Author: Zbynek Salon ( # removing < -Start "$start" -End "$end" > will directly output statistics for maximum tracking log range # Works in Powershell 2.0 (removing Delimiter ";" from Export-Csv command makes it work in Powershell 1.0) # ############################################## Version 2 ################################################################################ $start = "5/16/2011 4:00:00 PM" # place date and time range for send/receive statistics $end = "5/16/2011 4:05:00 PM" $days = "from: $start to:$end" # for column name in excel sheets $i = $null $j = $null $recipcounts = $null $sendcounts = $null ####### gathering part ####### $i = @() $j = @() $i += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "HUB1" -EventID "DELIVER" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select recipients -expandproperty recipients $i += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "HUB2" -EventID "DELIVER" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select recipients -expandproperty recipients $j += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "HUB1" -EventID "SEND" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select sender -expandproperty sender $j += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "HUB2" -EventID "SEND" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select sender -expandproperty sender ####### counting part ####### $recipcounts = $i | group | select name,count | sort name $recipcounts | export-csv r:\recip_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $medianrecip = $recipcounts | group count | sort count -descending | select count,@{Name="Messages in $days";Expression={($}} $medianrecip | export-csv r:\RECIP_median_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $l1 =[Math]::Round(($medianrecip.length-1)/2,0) $sendcounts = $j | group | select name,count | sort name $sendcounts | export-csv r:\send_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $mediansend = $sendcounts | group count | sort count -descending | select count,@{Name="Messages in $days";Expression={($}} $mediansend | export-csv r:\SEND_median_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $l2 =[Math]::Round(($mediansend.length-1)/2,0) #medians: write-host "Median receive: " $medianrecip[$l1] | fl write-host "Median send: " $mediansend[$l2] | fl ####### cleaning memory part ####### $timerange = $null $days = $null $i = $null $j = $null $recipcounts = $null $sendcounts = $null ############################################## End Version 2 ############################################################################ Zbynk
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 16th, 2011 6:02pm

Here is the script: ######## Info ################################################################################ # # Purpose: gather statistics of sent/received e-mail messages per recipient / maximum tracking log time # Author: Zbynek Salon ( # removing < -Start "$start" -End "$end" > will directly output statistics for maximum tracking log range # Works in Powershell 2.0 (removing Delimiter ";" from Export-Csv command makes it work in Powershell 1.0) # Version: 3 # ######## Version 3 ################################################################################ $start = "5/16/2011 8:00:01 AM" # place date and time range for send/receive statistics $end = "5/16/2011 9:00:01 AM" $days = "from: $start to:$end" # for column name in excel sheets $i = $null $j = $null $recipcounts = $null $sendcounts = $null ####### gathering part ####### $i = @() $j = @() $i += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "SWRVALEXHUB1" -EventID "DELIVER" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select recipients -expandproperty recipients $i += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "SWRHAAEXHUB1" -EventID "DELIVER" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | select recipients -expandproperty recipients $j += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "SWRVALEXHUB1" -EventID "RECEIVE" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | where {$_.source -like "STOREDRIVER"} | select sender -expandproperty sender $j += get-messagetrackinglog -Server "SWRHAAEXHUB1" -EventID "RECEIVE" -resultsize unlimited -Start "$start" -End "$end" | where {$_.source -like "STOREDRIVER"} | select sender -expandproperty sender ####### counting part ####### write-host "Time range : $days" $recipcounts = $i | group | select name,count | sort name $recipcounts | export-csv r:\recip_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $medianrecip = $recipcounts | sort count -descending | select @{Name="Received_count";Expression={($_.count)}} $medianrecip | export-csv r:\RECIP_median_test.csv -Delimiter ";" ###### received messages counts ###### $medianrecip | measure-object -property * -min -max -average -sum | fl property,count,Maximum,minimum,average,sum $l1 =($medianrecip.length)/2 $mod1 = ($medianrecip.length)%2 if ($mod1 -eq 0) { $medianr = $medianrecip[$l1] } else { $l1a = $l1 - "0.5" $l1b = $l1 + "0.5" $medianr = (($medianrecip[$l1a].Received_count)+($medianrecip[$l1b].Received_count))/2 } write-host "Median of received messages: $medianr" ###### sent messages counts ###### $sendcounts = $j | group | select name,count | sort name $sendcounts | export-csv r:\send_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $mediansend = $sendcounts | sort count -descending | select @{Name="Sent_count";Expression={($_.count)}} $mediansend | export-csv r:\SEND_median_test.csv -Delimiter ";" $mediansend | measure-object -property * -min -max -average -sum | fl property,count,Maximum,minimum,average,sum $l2 =($mediansend.length)/2 $mod2 = ($mediansend.length)%2 if ($mod2 -eq 0) { $medians = $mediansend[$l2] } else { $l2a = $l2 - "0.5" $l2b = $l2 + "0.5" $medians = (($mediansend[$l2a].Sent_count)+($mediansend[$l2b].Sent_count))/2 } write-host "Median of Sent messages : $medians" ####### cleaning memory part ####### $timerange = $null $days = $null $i = $null $j = $null $recipcounts = $null $sendcounts = $null $l1 = $null $l2 = $null $l2a = $null $l2b = $null $l1a = $null $l1b = $null $mediansend = $null $medianrecip = $null ###### End Version 3 ############################################################################ Zbynk
May 17th, 2011 12:55am

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