Script - Outlook 2010 - Address book order (check names)


currently we are looking for a possibility to change the address book order automatically through VBS, PowerShell, registry or what ever for 1000+ users.

Have somebody done this before? Is this possible?




February 2nd, 2012 10:26am


You can export the default address book setting from the following registry key:

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756  How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\ (your default Outlook profile) \9207f3e0a3b11019908b08002b2a56c2]

The Binary Value 01023d06 saves the parameter of this setting.

Then we create a script refer to the following thread:

Rex Zhang

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February 7th, 2012 5:55am


the users have different entries, because of they have not only one mailbox and so on... so I cannot export and import this setting...

Any ideas?

February 10th, 2012 2:29pm

There is no solution yet.

Please help!

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March 22nd, 2012 11:31am

Change it to what exactly?
The section that you highlighted is "user defined" which is really up to the user and the amount of address book lists available in his/her profile. Which logical order do you want in that case? Which should be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc...

Or do you want to change it from search GAL first to search Contacts first?

March 22nd, 2012 11:36am

Hello! Yes, yes, yes!  I'm sorry, I was just reading this thread and saw your response...I am trying to programmatically change the search order - for some reason, new users migrated from an Exchange 2007 server to Exchange 2010 have had the order changed to Outlook Contacts first.  Do you know how we may change this back to GAL first?  Preferably through an Exchange setting, but I would also be appreciative of a VBScript solution.

Thank you,

Patrick Burnett

Sedgwick LLP

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May 24th, 2012 1:48am

In case anyone else runs into the same issue, I've written a Powershell script that specifies the following order, and handles all the registry values for you.  Just run this on a workstation once the Outlook profile is established.

In an enterprise environment, you could set this as a Silent logon script using HSTART or a similar tool, with the following command line:

Hstart.exe /NOUAC /SILENT powershell.exe OutlookGALScript.ps1


June 4th, 2012 4:55pm

1RedOne - I am very interested in the powershell sript that you wrote.  Can you tell me how it works?  Do I run it first on a workstation that we have set correctly then turn around and use an output file for something else?  Thanks
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July 5th, 2012 10:36pm


  This script is really a glorified regkey importer, the key difference being that this script will import the value for each mail profile found for the current user.  This is a necessary action, because if you simply import these settings as a .REG file exported from another machine, the settings will not affect the current user (rather, a new subtree will be created with the new settings)

   I've only specified two values, the Search Order and then the default address list view in the Address Book view (CRTL+SHIFT+B), but these may be particular to my organization, you can view this configuration in the screen shot i posted earlier.

   If you have different requirements for your environment, I'm working on a new version which you can run once, to copy the desired values from a machine.  This outputs an XML file, which you can then deploy to your workstation. 

  I'll post it here if anyone is interested.

  • Edited by Stephen OwenMVP Friday, July 06, 2012 2:47 PM Information added
July 6th, 2012 2:44pm

I would love it if you would post that here.  I have been looking for hours for a solution and have yet to find one.  I have a computer setup just like we want the search order and I need to duplicate that to several other computers.  Just courious if you could give me an estimate on how far along you are on that?  I need to let my management know where I am at with it.  Thank you very much!
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July 6th, 2012 2:53pm

I have abandoned some of those plans, and made this easier function instead.

Read the instructions and then plug these into my other script.

July 6th, 2012 3:55pm

Is the code that is on that webpage to be saved as a powershell file?  I ran the file with a PS1 extension, a CMD box popped up for a few seconds then went away.  What did it do?  I never was shown a seperate screen with the information that is needed to put into the other file.  Thank you very much for helping me out here.  If you lived close I would offer you a beer.
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July 6th, 2012 5:48pm

I pasted it on Pastebin for you to save as a .ps1.  Here is a direct link.

This will map out the values from whichever Outlook Profile you select.  Copy these, paste them into the first script, overwriting those values.  You will now be able to run the first script on whichever workstations you like, and duplicate those settings.

Of course, test this on a number of machines before you push this out to the environment writ large.

July 6th, 2012 5:51pm

I ran the file and an error comes up and goes away too fast for me to screen shot it.  Any way for me to freeze that screen so that I could show you? 
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July 6th, 2012 6:48pm

Thanks for the script. It will sort out an annoying problem in my organisation.

When I run the script I get the following error. Is there something that I am missing?

Missing ')' in function parameter list.
At G:\powershell\Outlook GAL Script\Outlook GAL Script.ps1:1 char:458
+ <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" xml:lang="en" class="" xmlns="<head><script">"><head><script type="text/j
avascript">window._document_observe_listeners = []; document.observe = function(event, func) { window._document_observe
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handler) { window._jquery_ready_handlers.push(handler);                 };  function on_script_loaded( <<<< func) { (wi
ndow.LoadedJsSuccessfully && document.loaded) ? func() : document.observe('script:loaded', func);                 }</sc
ript> <link href="/static/images/favicon-vflonlsct.ico" rel="shortcut icon" /><link href="/static/css/main-vfl9IH8CE.cs
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t" /><link href="/static/images/dropbox_webclip-vflO8tEZ4.png" rel="apple-touch-icon" /><link href="/w3c/p3p.xml" rel="
P3Pv1" /><script type="text/javascript">window.ST=+new Date();</script><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-eq
uiv="content-type" /><meta content="Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywher
e and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!" name="description" /><meta content="online storage, free s
torage, file sharing, share files,
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (CloseParenToken:TokenId) [], ParseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndParenthesisInFunctionParameterList

Can anyone else confirm they have downloaded and are getting the same error?

Thanks in Advanced

March 25th, 2013 12:14am


Thanks for the script. It will sort out an annoying problem in my organisation.

When I run the script I get the following error. Is there something that I am missing?

Missing ')' in function parameter list.
At G:\powershell\Outlook GAL Script\Outlook GAL Script.ps1:1 char:458
+ <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" xml:lang="en" class="" xmlns="<head><script">"><head><script type="text/j
avascript">window._document_observe_listeners = []; document.observe = function(event, func) { window._document_observe
_listeners.push({event: event, func: func});                 };  window._jquery_ready_handlers = []; jQuery = function(
handler) { window._jquery_ready_handlers.push(handler);                 };  function on_script_loaded( <<<< func) { (wi
ndow.LoadedJsSuccessfully && document.loaded) ? func() : document.observe('script:loaded', func);                 }</sc
ript> <link href="/static/images/favicon-vflonlsct.ico" rel="shortcut icon" /><link href="/static/css/main-vfl9IH8CE.cs
s" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="/static/css/web_sprites-vfl4iOHkq.css" type="text/css" rel="styleshee
t" /><link href="/static/images/dropbox_webclip-vflO8tEZ4.png" rel="apple-touch-icon" /><link href="/w3c/p3p.xml" rel="
P3Pv1" /><script type="text/javascript">window.ST=+new Date();</script><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-eq
uiv="content-type" /><meta content="Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywher
e and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!" name="description" /><meta content="online storage, free s
torage, file sharing, share files,
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (CloseParenToken:TokenId) [], ParseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndParenthesisInFunctionParameterList

Can anyone else confirm they have downloaded and are getting the same error?

Thanks in Advanced

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March 25th, 2013 12:16am

Stephen, Looking at your script, I run it, no errors, it finds my profile and reports

set "exchange" profile desired GAL order 1/2

set "exchange" profile desired GAL order 2/2

But my order does not change to the image you displayed with GAL specified in all 3 places.  I'm in the process of running your script to return the existing values.  I will use this, run again with given values and report back.

I've run the script to OUtlook GAL - values script on several Windows 7 machines, after manually setting search order and default address book to GAL,  I get different results on each.
How would this script be different for 2013, or edited to work for either?

June 13th, 2015 8:21am

Stephen, Looking at your script, I run it, no errors, it finds my profile and reports

set "exchange" profile desired GAL order 1/2

set "exchange" profile desired GAL order 2/2

But my order does not change to the image you displayed with GAL specified in all 3 places.  I'm in the process of running your script to return the existing values.  I will use this, run again with given values and report back.

I've run the script to OUtlook GAL - values script on several Windows 7 machines, after manually setting search order and default address book to GAL,  I get different results on each.
How would this script be different for 2013, or edited to work for either?

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June 13th, 2015 12:20pm

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