Running DNS in parallel
We have always hosted our web servers DNS externally with a DNS hosting service. We are now going to have our own DNS servers and I wanted to ask if we can run our DNS server inparallel eith the DNS hosting service we are already using? Will it cause problems? If it will cause problems what type of problems withh it cause. Please forgive my ignorance, I was put in charge of the DNS and I have had no training and feel very uncomfortable and I am in dier need of somes experts help. So can we set up our own DNS server hosting our many domain names DNS while still keeping the DNS presently being used to address our location of our sites?
July 2nd, 2007 8:44pm

If you are running active directory, split your DNS servers internal (AD) and external (web sites). Also, if you are uncomfortable/unfamiliar with DNS, start here: covers all the bases and links to many DNS related RFC's.
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July 2nd, 2007 11:53pm

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