Resource calendar suddenly stop processing meeting requests

I have a few resource calendars in Exchange Server 2013 CU 9 environment which have suddenly stopped processing the meeting requests.

My question is: how should i troubleshoot this problem?

There are 5 resource calendars that have stopped working. And many, many recource calendars that works normally. The resource calendars are located on different databases and on different mailbox servers.

Calendarprocessing settings are:

AutomateProcessing                  : AutoAccept
AllowConflicts                      : False
BookingWindowInDays                 : 730
MaximumDurationInMinutes            : 1500
AllowRecurringMeetings              : True
EnforceSchedulingHorizon            : True
ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours         : False
ConflictPercentageAllowed           : 0
MaximumConflictInstances            : 0
ForwardRequestsToDelegates          : True
DeleteAttachments                   : True
DeleteComments                      : True
RemovePrivateProperty               : True
DeleteSubject                       : True
AddOrganizerToSubject               : True
DeleteNonCalendarItems              : True
TentativePendingApproval            : True
EnableResponseDetails               : True
OrganizerInfo                       : True
ResourceDelegates                   : {}
RequestOutOfPolicy                  : {}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy               : False
BookInPolicy                        : {}
AllBookInPolicy                     : True
RequestInPolicy                     : {}
AllRequestInPolicy                  : False
AddAdditionalResponse               : False
AdditionalResponse                  :
RemoveOldMeetingMessages            : True
AddNewRequestsTentatively           : True
ProcessExternalMeetingMessages      : False
RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False

I have also moved tested to move these mailboxes to different databases but it don't solve anything.

I didn't find any CRA logs about these mailboxes.

Also these mailboxes are below quota limits.

It feels like that there is something broken in these resource calendars or it is a bug in CU 9.

I just don't know how to continue troubleshooting this problem. I have tried to find for hours similar cases from internet but there are not many cases exactly like this.

July 31st, 2015 10:12am

I just made a test with two room mailboxes.

- I granted full access permissions on both mailboxes so i can see the mailbox and calendar folder with Outlook

- i sent a meeting request to working meeting room. I saw my meeting request coming to inbox of the meeting room and then after it was processed it disappeared from the inbox, the meeting room send "request accepted message to my mailbox" and calendar marking was created to the calendar of the room mailbox.

- i sent a meeting request the same way to meeting room which is not working. I never saw my meeting request in the inbox of the meeting room. I checked from the message tracking log what is happening? In the message tracking log there is an event that says the meeting room has received an email from me.


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August 3rd, 2015 3:13am

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