Remote site mailbox access

When I move a mailbox from a database on EX13MB1 to a database on EX13MB2 at the remote office email doesn't make it to the mailbox.  Outlook shows that it is connected but no email flows and I end up getting delayed delivery notices.

Here is the setup;

Main Office

  • Third Party Email Filter - WebSense
  • EX13CAS - Exchange 2013 Client Access Server running on Server 2012
  • EX13DB1 - Exchange 2013 Database Server running on Server 2012
  • Laptop running Windows 7 and Outlook 2013

Remote Office

  • EX13DB2 - Exchange 2013 Database Server running on Server 2012

Everything works fine in the Main Office. 

Here is what I did after the main office was set up;

  • Installed an Exchange Database Server (EX13DB2) in the remote office.
  • Made sure it showed up in the ECP.
  • Created a Database on EX13DB2.
  • Moved a mailbox from EX13DB1 to the new database on EX13DB2.  (This works fine)
  • Re-started Outlook.
  • Outlook connects to the mailbox and doesn't show any errors.

All ports are open between the main office and the remote office.  All of the servers can ping every other server.

My question is;

Why can't email flow between the database servers?  What am I missing here?


March 27th, 2014 10:26am

From what you have described here, it sounds like you have a mailbox server in your remote site, but not a CAS server. Is this correct?

As far as I'm aware, you will need to have a CAS server in every AD site that has a mailbox server. In terms of mail flow, I *think* that mail flow will route from the Transport Service on the mailbox server to the Front End Transport Service on the CAS server in another site (assuming that you don't have a DAG extended across the two sites).

I'm not 100% sure on my statement above right now, and I don't have an opportunity to double check it at this time. Perhaps someone else can verify, or you could put in some research to confirm/deny (and update this thread if it solves your problem).

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March 27th, 2014 8:51pm


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April 2nd, 2014 6:10pm


Was this information useful? I'd love to hear some feedback on this.

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April 2nd, 2014 6:10pm

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