Reinstalling pre reqes whie Exchange is Working

We need to uninstall and re install below components from Exchange servers to get HPDP GRE working.  

its an E15 2 node DAG on CU5 with 2 DC's
HP has asked to re install below pre-reqs on exchange 
Re-install is remove them and install again is what they mean I am not sure what will happen if I do so on a working exchange environment, below are the components, kindly help me with some inputs since I have rejected the plan at the first glance now that is subject to an explanation which I am not sure of since we dont have a lab and m just finding it difficult to believe it is even possible to do so 
1. Web Server (IIS) role
2. Role services and features:

      Common HTTP Features 
        Directory browsing
        HTTP redirection
        Static Content

        Request Filtering 
        Basic Authentication
        Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
        Windows Authentication

      Application Development
        NET Extensibility 3.5
        NET Extensibility 4.5
        ASP dot NET 3.5
        ASP dot NET 4.5 
        ISAPI Extensions 
        ISAPI Filters 

3. Features:

        NET Framework 3.5 features:
        NET Framework 3.5 (Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
        HTTP Activation

        NET Framework 4.5 features:
        NET Framework 4.5
        ASP NET 4.5
        WCF Services:
          HTTP Activation

May 10th, 2015 2:21pm

if its a silliest question in the world kindly consider my sincere apologies but since I don't have a lab now & I have never heard of this even in past I am not sure about the effects 
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May 10th, 2015 2:23pm

Hi xadam,

Thank you for your question.

We cannot re-install those components. By my testing, Exchange will didnt work for any user when we remove it.

You could contact HP supplier, if they want to install high version components, they could install them without any problem, but we didnt uninstall them.

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 

Best Regard,


May 11th, 2015 3:48am


I had once done a DotNet reinstall for ongoing some issue and it really tears everything down (WinServer2012 too, not only Exchange). You can get everything back working later (its a bit of a pain), but you never know, what might have broken in the process.

I don't see any point of breaking down a working exchange server and repacking it just for getting HPDP GRE working. There has to be a better way.

What best I can see is, doing a Install-WindowsFeature of the above said items without removing anything.

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May 11th, 2015 4:08am

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