Range.Text produces unexpected result for image

Hi there,

I am processing a document in a Word Add-In that I have written.  I find that a certain range, which as I found includes a certain image, results in a string with a forward slash character "/" when I print the range.text corresponding to that range.  When I delete the image, the "/" is no longer printed.

I cannot understand why this is happening and it is throwing off the character offsets that I am using.

Thanks for any answers you can provide.

foreach (Paragraph para in document.Paragraphs) {
FYI I am using Word 2010, not 2013.

August 20th, 2015 6:44pm


This is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Microsoft Office 2013 and 365, I'll move your question to the MSDN forum for Word


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August 21st, 2015 1:32am

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