Quarantine inbox not receiving emails
I've asked this on the newsgroups, but with little effect - posting here to see if I can widen the audience (although same MVPs on the newsgroups are probably on here too...) We've setup a spam quantine mailbox on our exchange 2007 box. It has CAS, HUB, and MAILBOX roles. We've run the antispam powershell script and configured Content Filtering to Delete 8, Reject 7, and Quarantine6. Emails designated with an SCL of 6 do not get to the spam inbox. The agent log and performance mon report indicates that these emails are being stamped (apologies for formatting) as sampled below: Timestamp : 8/15/2007 3:11:17 PM SessionId : 08C9ACF15EA4C6C8 IPAddress : MessageId : <BEC25DBF.283D1...@heartlandreview.com> P1FromAddress : brain...@heartlandreview.com P2FromAddresses : {brain...@heartlandreview.com} Recipients : ...@heartlandreview.com> P1FromAddress : brain...@heartlandreview.com P2FromAddresses : {brain...@heartlandreview.com} Recipients : {recruit...@contoso.com} Agent : Content Filter Agent Event : OnEndOfData Action : QuarantineMessage SmtpResponse : 550 5.2.1 Content Filter agent quarantined this message Reason : SclAtOrAboveQuarantineThreshold ReasonData : 6 Get-ContentFilterConfig yields the following results (sorry again for the formatting! I'm a gumby at this): Name : ContentFilterConfigRejectionResponse : Message rejected due to content restrictionsOutlookEmailPostmarkValidationEnabled : TrueBypassedRecipients : {}QuarantineMailbox : spam@contoso.comSCLRejectThreshold : 7SCLRejectEnabled : TrueSCLDeleteThreshold : 8SCLDeleteEnabled : TrueSCLQuarantineThreshold : 6SCLQuarantineEnabled : TrueBypassedSenders : {}BypassedSenderDomains : {}Enabled : TrueExternalMailEnabled : TrueInternalMailEnabled : FalseAdminDisplayName :ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)DistinguishedName : CN=ContentFilterConfig,CN=Message Hygie ne,CN=Transport Settings,CN=Contoso,CN=Microsoft Excha nge,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=comIdentity : ContentFilterConfigGuid : 3e38f2c5-8871-4d41-ab2f-21a4ca15cbf7ObjectCategory : capstonetechnology.com/Configuration/Sc hema/ms-Exch-Message-Hygiene-Content-Fi lter-ConfigObjectClass : {top, msExchAgent, msExchMessageHygiene ContentFilterConfig}WhenChanged : 8/16/2007 4:23:41 PMWhenCreated : 5/25/2007 3:38:36 PMOriginatingServer : gc.contoso.comIsValid : True So, here we have this set up, everything looks fine. I can send to and receive from the spam inbox, and I can telnet into the exchange server self and send a test message. Message tracking shows only the test messages that I sent. So, where then, are these quarantine messages going??
August 17th, 2007 7:48pm

Can you send an external mail to spam@contoso.com? I personally never bother with the quarantine mailbox so I don't have any practical experience with the quarantine. I set up the content filter to reject anything with an SCL of 7 or higher and put anything with a 4 or higher in the user's Junk E-mail folder.
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August 17th, 2007 8:39pm

Yes - external mail sent to the quarantine addressworks too. I've also tried switching the email address to another account, with similiar spectacular results! I've thought about bypassing quarantine altogether as you have done, but, it would be nice to get this functionality working at any rate...I don't rate this high enough to burn off one of our microsoft support tickets .
August 17th, 2007 9:48pm

It might be a bug. Probably not, but maybe. I will have to test this on one of my test systems, but I won't have access to it until tonight. Does your e-mail come in to an Edge Transport server? Or direct to a Hub Transport server?
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August 17th, 2007 9:50pm

Direct to hub! No edge servers in this environment...
August 17th, 2007 9:52pm

Definitely sounds like a bug then. There is just not many places for a message to get lost between the Hub and the Mailbox. :-) Especially if external messages are making it to the quarantine mailbox.
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August 17th, 2007 10:31pm

I came across the post of another user experiencing the same issue This may indeed be a bug, or there is some non-obvious configuration that needs to be performed. I've set up a test environment at home - how do we generate an email that generates a specific SCL? I can't seem to figure it out. I tried creating a transport rule, but it seems to stamp the SCL AFTER it passes the Content Filter.
August 18th, 2007 11:16am

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