Problems with Outlook 2013 Rule Limits

I have recently run into the Outlook 2013 limit on the number of rules you can have.

The main reason for this is that I have a sub-folder into which all emails from work colleagues get moved to. For each work contact I therefore have a rule that says 'If from x contact, move to x folder'.  I now however have too many contacts and too many active rules that this set-up no longer works.

Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

I wondered if I could put all my contacts into a contact group and then base the rule on the contact group but unfortunately contact groups do not sync on my phone (Windows Phone 8.1) therefore I would not see them there.


  • Edited by Maracles Tuesday, November 04, 2014 4:50 PM
November 4th, 2014 4:49pm

Hi Maracles,

Based on my knowledge, there is no number limitation for Inbox rule in Outlook. Instead, there is a limit size for Exchange mailbox. The rules size limit for mailboxes in Exchange Server 2007 (and later) has a default size of 64 KB per mailbox.

Additionally, the total rules size limit is also customizable limit up to 256 KB per mailbox. We can contact your Exchange Administrator to increase the rule Quota for your mailbox:

Set-Mailbox -RulesQuota:256kb

Personal suggestion, I noticed that the rule is created for each Contacts. It would be convenient to read every message from each contacts. In Outlook, there is another workaround to achieve this. We can directly set the Inbox view by From, then all items in Inbox folder can be viewed by each sender. It is easier to manage all items.


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November 6th, 2014 3:07am

Hi ...

I run Office 365/2013 and encountered the limit conserning the number of rules.

I have set RulesQuta:256kb

I have a folder for each contact sending me email, and rules to move these emails to the relevant folder. So very quickly I was stopped by this limit.

Now ...

Pouring all emails into the innbox folder seems like bad idea to me. I see that it might make Things easier to search for, but most of my received emails are not form People in my contacts list, and is therefore up to deletation.

Today when all rules are ran, the residual emails in the inbox ar easily checked, read and/or deleted.

Is there really not another way to do this?

May 18th, 2015 7:11pm

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