Problem installing Office365

Trying to install Office 365 from a network share.  The /download command works fine, but when trying to /configure, the setup starts and ends after a minute or so.  The log shows error 17004.  I searched for that error code, and all I could find was someone trying to install on a VM and had a disk space error.  We have 30GB free and I'm installing on a PC, not a VM.  Install log is below.  

*Update* - If I download to the local system, and then run the /configure, it installs without issue.  

Timestamp Process TID Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
06/11/2015 08:43:38.917 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaxp MediumBaseConfigure::TryGetConfiguration: EULA's have been accepted. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.929 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh85 MediumAdminConfigure::HandleStateAction: Configuring an install/crosssell scenario. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.931 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aqdco MonitorableTryCheckNetworkCost::HandleStateAction: Failed to initialize NetworkCostManager for \\ourserver\Office365\O365Business. Assuming low cost and proceeding. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.931 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9i MediumTryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecw Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Available value from descriptor: 15.0.4719.1002 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecx Medium Descriptor::Load: Prereq Node exists. Being parsing it. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecy Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Bootstrapper value from descriptor: 15.0 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amax8 MediumTryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Descriptor contains Prereqs. Run them now. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run anwwb MediumIsNativeValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run an8w1 MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Validator has version descriptor 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run an8w6 MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: No Office 15 installation detected. Prereq check passes. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry an8xa MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.955 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwn MediumSXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Cross bitness test passed. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwp MediumBootstrapperValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry an8w0 MediumClientValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwe MediumDiskSpaceValidator::CheckPreReq: Free disk space is sufficient. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7t MediumPrereq::PrereqsFailed returned 0 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9n MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Installation path is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaya MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Looking for existing client. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amayd MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Did not find an existing client. Downloading a new one. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.957 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aon8l MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry amawv MediumMonitoredScope::ExecuteUnderStopWatch: TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab. Approximate duration: 405 milliseconds. 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaye MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Found C2R Client in extracted cab. 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9t MediumTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=unknown acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="" productreleaseid="none" displaylevel="False" culture="en-us" baseurl="\\ourserver\Office365\O365Business" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatebaseurl="\\Server\Share" updatesenabled="True" autoUpgrade="True" o365businessretail.excludedapps="lync,infopath,groove,access,publisher" autoactivate="1" version="15.0.4719.1002" productstoadd="O365BusinessRetail_en-us_x-none" trackedduration=405 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7s MonitorableTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client Install Process returned code 17004 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry apx75 MonitorableTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client returned failing error code 17004 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry amc3q MonitorableTryHandleClientError::HandleStateAction: Cleaning up stale Office installation. 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.180 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh72 MediumExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.180 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry aoh9z MediumAdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 17004. 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.182 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Logging Liblet aqc99 Medium Logging liblet uninitializing. 

  • Edited by Matt Fuchs Saturday, June 13, 2015 3:42 PM
June 12th, 2015 6:07pm


As you mentioned "If I download to the local system, and then run the /configure, it installs without issue." I'm wondering if this could be a permission issue, make sure the client has the permission to the network share and we may try again.

I agree most of the similar issues are related to the lack of disk space, but it should be in your case, apparently you have enough space in local for the installation.


Melon Chen
TechNet Community Su

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June 17th, 2015 4:03am

Setup.exe hands over to OfficeClickToRun.exe, partway through the process.
A common problem which happens at this point, is that the initial execution occurs with a user account, but then at the hand over, the context changes to become the LocalSystem account., and often in a network/share scenario, this is where access is denied.

The LocalSystem account, in a domain-joined scenario, is equivalent to the computer's domain account - which needs to be granted access to the server/share. (by default, LocalSystem has full access to the local computer but no access to network resources/shares)

You can do this by adding "Authenticated Users" into the share permissions. Authenticated Users includes all domain user accounts *and* all domain computer accounts.

June 17th, 2015 4:55am

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