Passive Database Healthy but CopyQueue Length at 9223372036854769389

Hi Guys

I've some questions about my Exchange 2013 DAG.

I'm having two Exchange 2013 in two different Sites (also a Witness Server in Site C):

Site A -- Hex01 -- Site B -- Hex02 --

This two Sites are hosting a Database named "DAGDB1".

The Internet Connection at Site A sometimes goes down, so the Database has to Failover to Site B, sometimes Back because of Problems in Site B.

Now after some days the Database on Site B shows "Passive Healthy" and Index: Healthy but the CopyQueue Length in Site B is "9223372036854769389" and the active Database can't be moved to Site B.

Is there something i can tune so the DAG is not sensitive? After a manual Reseed the Database works as excepted (with the Option -DeleteExistingFiles)

Also the Reseed is working with about 30MBit/s, the Connections are 1Gbit Upload on Site A and 100Mbit Download on Site B, why this slow replication?

Regards and thanks for some answers,


  • Edited by Michi-ch 8 hours 9 minutes ago
May 23rd, 2015 7:16pm

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