PFDAVAdmin on Exchange 2007
I was hoping to get some assistance with using the PFDAVAdmin tool on Exchange 2007. I downloaded the latest version, 2.8, and ran it on my Exchange 2007 server. The tool runs and connects to my server but under any of the items I get Cound not expand https://Hercules/ExAdmin/Admin/......: Name cannot begin with the 0' character, hexadecimal value 0x30. Line 1, position 398. Any one have any ideas on what could be wrong? Joe
August 21st, 2007 9:38am

I am having the exact same problem running PFDAVAdmin 2.8 on Exchange 2003. Any help would be appreciated.Stephen
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August 21st, 2007 3:14pm

Try attempting to connect to the server from a workstation, or another server. I attempted this from my exchange 2007 server, and it reported the same error message. When I attempted to connect to the same tree from a workstation I did not receive any errors.
August 21st, 2007 3:18pm

Thanks--I ran it on a different machine and it worked. Apparently this tool is not Vista compatible? I tried running it with administrative rights on my workstation, but no luck until I switched to a server.
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August 21st, 2007 4:04pm

Thanks everyone, I ran the tool from a different server and it worked. I wonder why its not working on the same server. I tried it from a Windows 2003 Server 64bit with Exchange 2007 with no luck but it does work on an alternate Windows 2003 Server with Exchange 2003. Go figure...
August 21st, 2007 8:58pm

Thank god I read this post!! I was trying to run PFDAVAdmin on a Vista PC and I couldn't get it working, tried it on another PC with XP and it worked fine. Might be because I'm running an older version of the PFDAVAdmin client though.
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September 12th, 2007 12:16pm

Hello All ! that worked for me also, but only for public folders. I have another error that i can't find out, for the system folders : Could not expand ... non_Ipm_subtree.. unable to establish... SSL/TLS.... I tried whatever i found on different forums, checked the permissions on the system folders, and so on, but nothing helps. Has anyone run into the same problems ? Thanks
November 14th, 2007 3:53am

still got this errorCound not expand https://Hercules/ExAdmin/Admin/......: Name cannot begin with the 0' character, hexadecimal value can i debug problem? i've not got any PF name starting with '0'..tryed to run on another computer against exchage 2007 sp1, no result, still getting this error.any suggestionwillbeappretiated!
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December 7th, 2007 10:29pm

Had the same problem and found the solution on this site. not install Dotnet 1.1 on the exchange server! good luck
February 12th, 2008 6:30am

On the computer on whichyou wish to run pfdavadmin - install .NET 1.1 That fixes the problem with Windows Vista since Vista comes without .NET 1.1
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February 19th, 2008 5:59am

Thanks Betting. I was not able to get PFDAVAdmin to work on Vista until I came accross your post. Installing .NET 1.1 was the answer. Thanks again. C
July 2nd, 2008 12:15pm

I concur smood922 despite what the system requirements say, as far as I'm concerned PfDavAdmin is not Vista compatible - I've had it working on XP and Windows 2003 but couldn't get it to work on Vista (ultimate 64 bit).
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August 11th, 2009 6:41am

how about windows 7 or w2k8 server?
August 6th, 2010 10:36am

The PFDAVAdmin tool requires .net framework 1.1. Vista, 2008, and Windows 7 do not ship with it. Do NOT install .net 1.1 on an existing Exchange server as it may overwrite the 2.0 settings. Instead, install .net 1.1 on a workstation machine and run the tool from there.
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March 21st, 2011 11:54am

First you have install .NET Framework 1.1 indeed, but then it might not work yet. Yoy may have to use secondary logon with an acccount which also is Exchange administrator. Check the complete solution here:
April 6th, 2011 5:08am

Following the instructions laid out in this blog post -- -- I was able to install .NET 1.1 onto a Windows 7 x64 box and successfully run and execute PFDAVAdmin.
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October 28th, 2011 11:35am

I have met all the necessary requirements, tried on two different server 2008 systems and one WIN7 workstation and get the following error, "could not expand https://exchangeserver/ExAdmin/Admin/ cannot begin with the "0" character, hexadecimal value 0x30. Line 1, position 378.
January 9th, 2012 12:44pm

It worked to me...Tks
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July 24th, 2012 10:20am

Here is Windows 7 64bit workaround. 1. Download and install Dotnet 1.1 framework 2. On PFDAVADmin.exe set compatibilty (for all users - on the bottom) to Vista 3. Enjoy using the software
August 8th, 2012 7:49am

Uggh!!! No matter what, I can not get this tool working. I'm running Ex2k7 on a 2k3 server (64x), and have installed this tool on my terminal server running 2k3 Enterprise sp2 64x (Also tried it on my Ex server, client running Win7, etc., etc.), rolled back .net framework to v1.1, etc., etc. I've tried everything in this post but still get the same exact error message, no matter what. At this point, I've even tried installing ExFolders since I'm running Ex2k7, but still no friggin' luck. Somebody help me out, please!!! Thanks
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August 22nd, 2012 3:41pm

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