Outlook indexing issue

Hi Everyone,

1.Some of my users, can't search emails properly, instant/advance search results are showing older but not showing the recent emails. 

indexing status showing 0 emails,

and some of users indexing are stuck somewhere,

is there any one who have the same experience ? any solution for this ? 


August 31st, 2015 7:31am


Are your users using Exchange Accounts? Are they using their accounts in Cached Exchange Mode or Online Mode?

For these affected users, you may need to rebuild the Index. It might be that the Index itself has been damaged. In order to reset this, go to Control Panel-> Indexing Options-> Advanced-> button Rebuild.

This will rebuild the entire Index from scratch and depending on the amount of documents to be indexed, this could take quite long and degrade your systems performance while the Indexer is still busy. It is recommended to have it rebuild itself overnight.


Melon Chen
TechNet Community Su

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August 31st, 2015 9:57pm


Similar thread has been discussed a month ago, see here to fix the issue: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1afc87a7-a5f9-44b9-af5c-4ed48af566c2/outlook-2010-reindexes-everytime-i-open-it-and-search-is-disabled?forum=outlook

Thanks & Regards

Kelvin Howard

September 1st, 2015 12:33am

Thanks @Kelvin :) 

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September 1st, 2015 1:04am

Hello AhsanFareed,

Its my pleasure to solving your issue. If you got the solution, then please close this thread by marking the answer as helpful.

Thanks & Regards

Kelvin Howard

September 2nd, 2015 12:20am

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