The issue is that my computer will not go to sleep if I have OneNote opened with my shared notebook loaded.
Background: I'm currently running Windows 8 Pro on a desktop machine with Office 2010 Home and Student installed. I log into the OS under my outlook.com internet account. OneNote, which I always keep open, has my main notebook shared on my SkyDrive.
Scenarios: The computer will go to sleep if I reboot the machine and do not open OneNote. The computer will go to sleep if I close my shared notebook, reboot the machine and open OneNote (with no notebooks open). The computer will go to sleep if I open OneNote with my shared notebook, close it, AND exit OneNote from the icon in the system tray.
The scenarios I ran lead me to believe that OneNote is continuously polling my shared online notebook, thus preventing my computer from going to sleep. The is a regression from the behavior in Windows 7. Are there any configuration changes I can make to fix this?