Moving EX2013 mailboxes cross-forest not completing successfully

Followed to move mailboxes cross-forest between 2 EX2013 servers. Pull migration.

The moves pause for several hours at 99%, and ultimately complete with CompleteWithWarning status. So far, it happens every time. Occurs even with mailboxes created and immediately moved, so it is not a problem with specific, perhaps corrupt mailboxes.

Get-MailboxStatistics -IncludeMoveReport tells me this:

Warning: Unable to update Active Directory information for the source mailbox at the end of the move. Error details: Not connected.

There's a bi-directional forest & domain trust that appears to be working, cross-forest DNS works, and it's able to "connect" to AD in the remote forest for purposes of moving the mailbox, so I'm not sure why it's finding it's "Not connected" when it cleans up at the end.

After the move request goes from 99% to 100% (after a lengthy timeout), the source mailbox still exists, and both source and destination mailboxes can be logged on to. My understanding is that the user account in the source forest should be converted to a mail-enabled user.

I'm OK with troubleshooting and solving this if it's fast. But I'm also OK with writing a PowerShell script to post-process the user account in the source forest to get over the hurdle, since this is a one-time process...the source forest will ultimately go away.

So I'm guessing the script will be as simple as--

Disable-Mailbox someuser@domain.local

Enable-MailUser someuser@domain.local

Also, I'm not clear on whether this is relevant to the MEU, but inbound SMTP will continue to go to the source mail server until migration is complete, so the source server needs to redirect mail for moved mailboxes to the destination server. Both servers have the same external domain. I'm thinking this ends up being handled by a Transport Rule I can create in the same script, so the internal, secondary SMTP address stamped on the mailbox by Email Address Policies should do the job. But if there's something I need to include in Enable-MailUser, please advise.

January 29th, 2015 9:00pm


Please run the following command to check the mailbox in the resource forest and target forest respectively:

Get-Mailbox User | fl

In the Active Directory Users and Computers of the domain controller, please right-click the User and check the Exchange properties in Attribute Editor tab.

Additionally, please confirm if you have deployed Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) for cross-forest global address list (GAL) synchronization or created the target mail user using an Active Directory tool other than ILM/MIIS before the cross-forest migration. For more information about Prepare mailboxes for cross-forest move requests, Please refer to:


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January 31st, 2015 3:40am

Hi Winnie, thanks for your reply.

GET-MAILBOX output follows:


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-mailbox tester |fl

RunspaceId                             : 5eef3d69-a528-40a2-bb5e-4ad033fa0b73
Database                               : Mailbox Database 0305406815
Location                               :
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults           : True
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup          : False
DeliverToMailboxAndForward             : False
IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy         : False
LitigationHoldEnabled                  : False
SingleItemRecoveryEnabled              : False
RetentionHoldEnabled                   : False
EndDateForRetentionHold                :
StartDateForRetentionHold              :
RetentionComment                       :
RetentionUrl                           :
LitigationHoldDate                     :
LitigationHoldOwner                    :
LitigationHoldDuration                 : Unlimited
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy             :
RetentionPolicy                        :
AddressBookPolicy                      :
CalendarRepairDisabled                 : False
ExchangeGuid                           : 382a05ba-1a33-44ba-9415-22c541e4682a
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor             : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor
ExchangeUserAccountControl             : None
AdminDisplayVersion                    : Version 15.0 (Build 775.38)
MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled       : True
ExternalOofOptions                     : External
ForwardingAddress                      :
ForwardingSmtpAddress                  :
RetainDeletedItemsFor                  : 14.00:00:00
IsMailboxEnabled                       : True
Languages                              : {en-US}
OfflineAddressBook                     :
ProhibitSendQuota                      : Unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota               : Unlimited
RecoverableItemsQuota                  : Unlimited
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota           : Unlimited
CalendarLoggingQuota                   : Unlimited
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled   : False
ProtocolSettings                       : {}
RecipientLimits                        : Unlimited
IsResource                             : False
IsLinked                               : False
IsShared                               : False
IsRootPublicFolderMailbox              : False
LinkedMasterAccount                    :
ResetPasswordOnNextLogon               : False
ResourceCapacity                       :
ResourceCustom                         : {}
ResourceType                           :
RoomMailboxAccountEnabled              :
SamAccountName                         : tester
SCLDeleteThreshold                     :
SCLDeleteEnabled                       :
SCLRejectThreshold                     :
SCLRejectEnabled                       :
SCLQuarantineThreshold                 :
SCLQuarantineEnabled                   :
SCLJunkThreshold                       :
SCLJunkEnabled                         :
AntispamBypassEnabled                  : False
ServerLegacyDN                         : /o=XXXX First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
ServerName                             : XXXX-ex2013
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults               : True
IssueWarningQuota                      : Unlimited
RulesQuota                             : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
Office                                 :
UserPrincipalName                      : tester@XXXXAV
UMEnabled                              : False
MaxSafeSenders                         :
MaxBlockedSenders                      :
ReconciliationId                       :
WindowsLiveID                          :
MicrosoftOnlineServicesID              :
ThrottlingPolicy                       : UnityThrottlingPolicy
RoleAssignmentPolicy                   : Default Role Assignment Policy
DefaultPublicFolderMailbox             : XXXXAV/Users/Default
SharingPolicy                          : Default Sharing Policy
RemoteAccountPolicy                    :
MailboxPlan                            :
ArchiveDatabase                        :
ArchiveGuid                            : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ArchiveName                            : {}
JournalArchiveAddress                  :
ArchiveQuota                           : Unlimited
ArchiveWarningQuota                    : Unlimited
ArchiveDomain                          :
ArchiveStatus                          : None
ArchiveState                           : None
RemoteRecipientType                    : None
DisabledArchiveDatabase                :
DisabledArchiveGuid                    : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
QueryBaseDN                            :
QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled          : False
MailboxMoveTargetMDB                   :
MailboxMoveSourceMDB                   :
MailboxMoveFlags                       : None
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName              :
MailboxMoveBatchName                   :
MailboxMoveStatus                      : None
MailboxRelease                         :
ArchiveRelease                         :
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled   : False
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled  : True
UserSMimeCertificate                   : {}
UserCertificate                        : {}
CalendarVersionStoreDisabled           : False
ImmutableId                            :
PersistedCapabilities                  : {}
SKUAssigned                            :
AuditEnabled                           : False
AuditLogAgeLimit                       : 90.00:00:00
AuditAdmin                             : {Update, Move, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, HardDelete, FolderBind,
                                         SendAs, SendOnBehalf, Create}
AuditDelegate                          : {Update, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, Create}
AuditOwner                             : {}
WhenMailboxCreated                     : 8/8/2013 12:35:35 PM
SourceAnchor                           :
UsageLocation                          :
IsSoftDeletedByRemove                  : False
IsSoftDeletedByDisable                 : False
IsInactiveMailbox                      : False
IncludeInGarbageCollection             : False
WhenSoftDeleted                        :
InPlaceHolds                           : {}
Extensions                             : {}
HasPicture                             : False
HasSpokenName                          : False
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : {}
AddressListMembership                  : {\Mailboxes(VLV), \All Mailboxes(VLV), \All Recipients(VLV), \All Users,
                                         \Default Global Address List}
Alias                                  : Tester
ArbitrationMailbox                     :
BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers   : {}
OrganizationalUnit                     : XXXXav/XXXX Users/TestUsers
CustomAttribute1                       :
CustomAttribute10                      :
CustomAttribute11                      :
CustomAttribute12                      :
CustomAttribute13                      :
CustomAttribute14                      :
CustomAttribute15                      :
CustomAttribute2                       :
CustomAttribute3                       :
CustomAttribute4                       :
CustomAttribute5                       :
CustomAttribute6                       :
CustomAttribute7                       :
CustomAttribute8                       :
CustomAttribute9                       :
ExtensionCustomAttribute1              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute2              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute3              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute4              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute5              : {}
DisplayName                            : Tester
EmailAddresses                         : {x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recip
                                         ients/cn=a4caf3703314466ca04bab381eadf489-Tester2136997, x500:/o=XXXX
                                         Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         smtp:Tester@XXXXav, SMTP:Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM}
GrantSendOnBehalfTo                    : {}
ExternalDirectoryObjectId              :
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled          : False
LastExchangeChangedTime                :
LegacyExchangeDN                       : /o=XXXX first organization/ou=exchange administrative group
MaxSendSize                            : Unlimited
MaxReceiveSize                         : Unlimited
ModeratedBy                            : {}
ModerationEnabled                      : False
PoliciesIncluded                       : {7bb2e558-8803-4f49-9155-07605ab854cc, {26491cfc-9e50-4857-861b-0cb8df22b5d7}}
PoliciesExcluded                       : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled              : True
PrimarySmtpAddress                     : Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM
RecipientType                          : UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails                   : UserMailbox
RejectMessagesFrom                     : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers            : {}
RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers     : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled     : False
SimpleDisplayName                      :
SendModerationNotifications            : Always
UMDtmfMap                              : {emailAddress:837837, lastNameFirstName:837837, firstNameLastName:837837}
WindowsEmailAddress                    : Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM
MailTip                                :
MailTipTranslations                    : {}
Identity                               : XXXXAV/XXXX Users/TestUsers/Tester
IsValid                                : True
ExchangeVersion                        : 0.20 (
Name                                   : Tester
DistinguishedName                      : CN=Tester,OU=TestUsers,OU=XXXX Users,DC=XXXXAV
Guid                                   : bc6cf463-f325-48f9-a521-c434766b5fb1
ObjectCategory                         : XXXXAV/Configuration/Schema/Person
ObjectClass                            : {top, person, organizationalPerson, user}
WhenChanged                            : 1/8/2015 10:02:41 AM
WhenCreated                            : 8/8/2013 12:35:13 PM
WhenChangedUTC                         : 1/8/2015 4:02:41 PM
WhenCreatedUTC                         : 8/8/2013 5:35:13 PM
OrganizationId                         :
OriginatingServer                      : XXXX02.XXXXAV
ObjectState                            : Unchanged


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-mailbox tester |fl

RunspaceId                             : 8d0d3bbc-387f-4ea3-a5fe-2f9bb1ee462e
Database                               : XXXXGroup
Location                               :
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults           : True
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup          : False
DeliverToMailboxAndForward             : False
IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy         : False
LitigationHoldEnabled                  : False
SingleItemRecoveryEnabled              : False
RetentionHoldEnabled                   : False
EndDateForRetentionHold                :
StartDateForRetentionHold              :
RetentionComment                       :
RetentionUrl                           :
LitigationHoldDate                     :
LitigationHoldOwner                    :
LitigationHoldDuration                 : Unlimited
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy             :
RetentionPolicy                        :
AddressBookPolicy                      :
CalendarRepairDisabled                 : False
ExchangeGuid                           : 382a05ba-1a33-44ba-9415-22c541e4682a
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor             : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor
ExchangeUserAccountControl             : AccountDisabled
AdminDisplayVersion                    : Version 15.0 (Build 775.38)
MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled       : True
ExternalOofOptions                     : External
ForwardingAddress                      :
ForwardingSmtpAddress                  :
RetainDeletedItemsFor                  : 14.00:00:00
IsMailboxEnabled                       : True
Languages                              : {en-US}
OfflineAddressBook                     :
ProhibitSendQuota                      : Unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota               : Unlimited
RecoverableItemsQuota                  : Unlimited
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota           : Unlimited
CalendarLoggingQuota                   : Unlimited
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled   : False
ProtocolSettings                       : {HTTP11, OWA1}
RecipientLimits                        : Unlimited
IsResource                             : False
IsLinked                               : False
IsShared                               : False
IsRootPublicFolderMailbox              : False
LinkedMasterAccount                    :
ResetPasswordOnNextLogon               : False
ResourceCapacity                       :
ResourceCustom                         : {}
ResourceType                           :
RoomMailboxAccountEnabled              :
SamAccountName                         : tester
SCLDeleteThreshold                     :
SCLDeleteEnabled                       :
SCLRejectThreshold                     :
SCLRejectEnabled                       :
SCLQuarantineThreshold                 :
SCLQuarantineEnabled                   :
SCLJunkThreshold                       :
SCLJunkEnabled                         :
AntispamBypassEnabled                  : False
ServerLegacyDN                         : /o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
ServerName                             : XXX-exch-001
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults               : True
IssueWarningQuota                      : Unlimited
RulesQuota                             : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
Office                                 :
UserPrincipalName                      : tester@XXXXAV
UMEnabled                              : False
MaxSafeSenders                         :
MaxBlockedSenders                      :
ReconciliationId                       :
WindowsLiveID                          :
MicrosoftOnlineServicesID              :
ThrottlingPolicy                       :
RoleAssignmentPolicy                   : Default Role Assignment Policy
DefaultPublicFolderMailbox             :
SharingPolicy                          : Default Sharing Policy
RemoteAccountPolicy                    :
MailboxPlan                            :
ArchiveDatabase                        :
ArchiveGuid                            : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ArchiveName                            : {}
JournalArchiveAddress                  :
ArchiveQuota                           : Unlimited
ArchiveWarningQuota                    : Unlimited
ArchiveDomain                          :
ArchiveStatus                          : None
ArchiveState                           : None
RemoteRecipientType                    : None
DisabledArchiveDatabase                :
DisabledArchiveGuid                    : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
QueryBaseDN                            :
QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled          : False
MailboxMoveTargetMDB                   : XXXXGroup
MailboxMoveSourceMDB                   :
MailboxMoveFlags                       : CrossOrg, Pull
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName              :
MailboxMoveBatchName                   :
MailboxMoveStatus                      : CompletedWithWarning
MailboxRelease                         :
ArchiveRelease                         :
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled   : False
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled  : True
UserSMimeCertificate                   : {}
UserCertificate                        : {}
CalendarVersionStoreDisabled           : False
ImmutableId                            :
PersistedCapabilities                  : {}
SKUAssigned                            :
AuditEnabled                           : False
AuditLogAgeLimit                       : 90.00:00:00
AuditAdmin                             : {Update, Move, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, HardDelete, FolderBind,
                                         SendAs, SendOnBehalf, Create}
AuditDelegate                          : {Update, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, Create}
AuditOwner                             : {}
WhenMailboxCreated                     : 1/8/2015 10:02:24 AM
SourceAnchor                           :
UsageLocation                          :
IsSoftDeletedByRemove                  : False
IsSoftDeletedByDisable                 : False
IsInactiveMailbox                      : False
IncludeInGarbageCollection             : False
WhenSoftDeleted                        :
InPlaceHolds                           : {}
Extensions                             : {}
HasPicture                             : False
HasSpokenName                          : False
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : {}
AddressListMembership                  : {\Mailboxes(VLV), \All Mailboxes(VLV), \All Recipients(VLV), \Default Global
                                         Address List, \All Users}
Alias                                  : Tester
ArbitrationMailbox                     :
BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers   : {}
OrganizationalUnit                     : XXXXgroup.local/XXXX Group/Users/Migration
CustomAttribute1                       :
CustomAttribute10                      :
CustomAttribute11                      :
CustomAttribute12                      :
CustomAttribute13                      :
CustomAttribute14                      :
CustomAttribute15                      :
CustomAttribute2                       :
CustomAttribute3                       :
CustomAttribute4                       :
CustomAttribute5                       :
CustomAttribute6                       :
CustomAttribute7                       :
CustomAttribute8                       :
CustomAttribute9                       :
ExtensionCustomAttribute1              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute2              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute3              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute4              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute5              : {}
DisplayName                            : Tester
EmailAddresses                         : {smtp:Tester@XXXXgroup.local, x500:/o=XXXX first organization/ou=exchange
                                         administrative group
                                         SMTP:Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM, smtp:Tester@XXXXav, x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange
                                         Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recip
                                         ients/cn=a4caf3703314466ca04bab381eadf489-Tester2136997, x500:/o=XXXX
                                         Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
                                         x500:/o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
GrantSendOnBehalfTo                    : {}
ExternalDirectoryObjectId              :
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled          : False
LastExchangeChangedTime                :
LegacyExchangeDN                       : /o=XXXX Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
MaxSendSize                            : Unlimited
MaxReceiveSize                         : Unlimited
ModeratedBy                            : {}
ModerationEnabled                      : False
PoliciesIncluded                       : {b6e0e5c8-6b46-4a03-87cd-a5e904c38622, {26491cfc-9e50-4857-861b-0cb8df22b5d7}}
PoliciesExcluded                       : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled              : True
PrimarySmtpAddress                     : Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM
RecipientType                          : UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails                   : UserMailbox
RejectMessagesFrom                     : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers            : {}
RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers     : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled     : False
SimpleDisplayName                      :
SendModerationNotifications            : Always
UMDtmfMap                              : {emailAddress:837837, lastNameFirstName:837837, firstNameLastName:837837}
WindowsEmailAddress                    : Tester@XXXXGROUP.COM
MailTip                                :
MailTipTranslations                    : {}
Identity                               : XXXXgroup.local/XXXX Group/Users/Migration/Tester
IsValid                                : True
ExchangeVersion                        : 0.20 (
Name                                   : Tester
DistinguishedName                      : CN=Tester,OU=Migration,OU=Users,OU=XXXX Group,DC=XXXXgroup,DC=local
Guid                                   : 67d1ae31-094b-4afb-9d0d-ed41aacedff4
ObjectCategory                         : XXXXgroup.local/Configuration/Schema/Person
ObjectClass                            : {top, person, organizationalPerson, user}
WhenChanged                            : 1/22/2015 11:56:42 AM
WhenCreated                            : 1/8/2015 9:58:24 AM
WhenChangedUTC                         : 1/22/2015 5:56:42 PM
WhenCreatedUTC                         : 1/8/2015 3:58:24 PM
OrganizationId                         :
OriginatingServer                      : XXX-AD-001.XXXXgroup.local
ObjectState                            : Unchanged

Nothing jumps out at me when checking Exchange AD attributes, but that's at least in part because there are so many of them. Needle in a haystack. If you can tell me what I'm looking for, I will be happy to take another look.

ILM is not in use. Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 created the new user account.

February 5th, 2015 10:06am

That's correct the source mailbox server should be converted to a meu as part of the mailbox move completion process. As far as routing, yes inbound mail comes to your source server still and then redirects to your mailbox enabled user in the new forest based on the source meu's external target address. During transport coexistence, you would've needed to create a new smtp domain for the new forest such as a temp one ie. since both forests are are using the same smtp namespace. This temp would be binded to the new mailbox enabled users in the new forest so that the meu in the source can forward to this address.

As far as your source mailboxes not being converted and hanging at the end seems like a bug, are you on the latest cu7?

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February 5th, 2015 11:21am

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