Missing legacy virtual directories in Exchange 2007 EMC
I recently stood up a new 2007 Hub/CAS/Mailbox server on Windows 2008 in an existing Exchange 2003 org. I was able to see allof theCAS virtual directories under the CAS role in the Exchange Management Console (EMC) on the new 2007 server. However sometime yesterday I noticed that the CAS role is only displaying the /owa virtual directory now in the EMC, and the /exchange /exchweb /public legacy virtual directories are missing.
When I go to IIS Manager I can see all of the virtual directories like you would expect.I can see them through ADSIEdit as well, and they look normal there. When I run the get-owavirtualdirectory cmdlet, I see the following:
Name Server OwaVersion---- ------ ----------owa (Default Web Site) HOSEXCHMLBX Exchange2007Exchange (Default Web S... HOSEXCHMLBX Exchange2003or2000Public (Default Web Site) HOSEXCHMLBX Exchange2003or2000Exchweb (Default Web Site) HOSEXCHMLBX Exchange2003or2000Exadmin (Default Web Site) HOSEXCHMLBX Exchange2003or2000
I am even able to connect to www.website.com/exchange and bring up OWA's logon.
Any idea why the EMC would just stop showing all the legacy directories? I am hopeful I won't have to delete and re-create them just to get them to show up in the EMC so I can manage.
As for what I may have done to cause this, the only thing I have done to the server in the last 2 days was to remove the old Exchange cert, install a new IIS cert (which took some doing), and re-created the Exchange cert (and did not link it to the WWW service) when I realized Exchange was unhappy a full cert for the other services was gone. Oh and I enabled the anti-spam intelligent message filtering and copied over the settings from 2003 using the migration tool. I can't see how either of these actions would make a virtual directory just stop showing up in one console.
March 20th, 2008 4:07pm
Here is something equally wierd.
I noticed yesterday as well that the anti-spam tab in the Hub Transport section is only showing me the IP Allow List and the IP Block List. This is not the way it was when I first installed it. I saw many more options there (and even set a few things).
So I ran the script to remove them, verified they were removed, and then re-added them again. Same thing - only the two options.
So something wierd is going on with my Exchange system in that it isn't showing me everything that is there.
I verified the account I am using is a member of the domain admins, the local administrators group on the server (in addtion to Domain Admins), and is a full Org Admin.
Anyone have any suggestions as to what is going on?
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March 22nd, 2008 1:05am
Anyone from MSFT care to weigh in as to why virtual directories and anti-spam options would just stop showing up in the EMC UI? I would really hate to rebuild this server, if nothing else there is no garuntee the problem will be resolved.
March 25th, 2008 7:33am
Have you found a solution for your issue? I am seeing the exact same thing on my server. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the CA Role but that didnt seem to make any difference.
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April 8th, 2008 5:41am
No I have not.
I am still unable to see the legacy virtual directories where I see the OWA one, and I am still unable to see most of the anti-spam options except for the 2 I mentioned.
Short of rebuilding the server I am at a loss of what to do.
April 8th, 2008 3:20pm
I think i found the issue.
Exchange 2007 SP1
Consider the following if you are running Exchange2007 SP1:
If you are running only the Client Access server role on a computer, you manage the properties of Exchange2007 virtual directories and legacy virtual directories from the Outlook Web Access tab in the Exchange Management Console. You access the Outlook Web Access tab by clickingServer Configuration, and then clicking Client Access. The default virtual directories are as follows: /owa, /Public, /Exchweb, /Exchange, and /Exadmin.
If you are running the Mailbox server role and the Client Access server role on the same computer, you can only manage Exchange2007virtual directories from the Outlook Web Access tab in the Exchange Management Console. You access the Outlook Web Access tab by clicking Server Configuration, and then clickingClient Access. The default Exchange2007 virtual directory is /owa. In this case, you must manage the properties oflegacy virtual directories from theServer Configuration/Mailbox node/WebDAV tab in Exchange Management Console.The default legacy virtual directories are as follows: /Public, /Exchweb, /Exchange, and /Exadmin.
If you are running the Mailbox server role on a computer without the Client Access server role, you must manage the properties for legacy virtual directories from the WebDAV tab in the Exchange Management Console. You access the WebDAV tab by clicking Server Configuration, and then clicking Mailbox. The default legacy virtual directories are as follows: /Public, /Exchweb, /Exchange, and /Exadmin.found this at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998849(EXCHG.80).aspxI know when I originally installed they were all listed under Server Config, Client Access, Outlook Web Access. When i went to the Web Dav tab under mailbox... there they were.
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April 8th, 2008 4:06pm
Wow Christopher, I think you nailed it.
I too clearly remember seeing them show up under the CAS selection as I saw all 5 in one location. For some reason the SP1 EMC is configured with logic to stop showing them under the CAS selection at some point when the roles are all installed together. I.E. Maybe they were showing up originally but a reboot caused the newlogic to go into effect?
Using your findings, I took it upon myself to go look all over the place for the other anti-spam roles I am missing. Sure enough I found them all under the Org Config -> Anti-spam tab. I am pretty sureI saw them under the individual server role before but... Based upon the fact that I can only assume I made the mistake and that under the server properties there have only been the two selections, and the rest were always under the Org config, but because I was so fixated on the "missing" virtual directories I just assumed these pieces were missing as well.
So thank you for finding this new "feature" of SP1, and it seems to have cleared everything up for me and hopefully you as well.
If nothing else this confirms there is nothing wrong with my install which is a relief.
April 8th, 2008 4:36pm
Glad i could help... sadly this still doesnt resolve my original issue
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April 8th, 2008 4:42pm
Do you have a link to a post containing your original issue? Maybe I can return the favor.
April 8th, 2008 5:32pm
http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3140340&SiteID=17&mode=1i thought part of my issue was the fact i couldnt manage the legacy sites from the client access area...
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April 8th, 2008 10:14pm