Message Tracking for Rejected Messages

We are using Exchange 2013, trying to use message tracking to determine if a message that was sent to us was rejected, I can run the messagetracking powershell command and I get reslults. would there be a "reject" event id for these messages?



February 25th, 2015 11:00am


There is no reject event id for messages rejected by Exchange. If these messages are rejected, when we use Get-MessageTrackingLog to track these messages, the event id should be FAIL. You can try to track these messages by the following command:

Get-MessageTrackingLog Resultsize unlimited| where-object {$_.EventID -eq "Fail"}

It will take a long time to search, and will return many results. To limit the results, we can set unlimited to specify number.

Event Types in Message tracking

Best Regards.

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February 26th, 2015 1:48am

Hi ,

Below command will be used on the exchange management shell to have a grid-view on the output.

Get-TransportService | Get-MessageTrackingLog -recipients "" -ResultSize unlimited -MessageSubject "test" -eventid "fail" | Select-Object eventid,sender,timestamp,@{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.recipients}},@{Name="RecipientStatus";Expression={$_.recipientstatus}},messagesubject | Out-GridView


Below command will be used on the exchange management shell to have the output on the csv file.

Get-TransportService | Get-MessageTrackingLog -recipients "" -ResultSize unlimited -MessageSubject "test" -eventid "fail" | Select-Object eventid,sender,timestamp,@{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.recipients}},@{Name="RecipientStatus";Expression={$_.recipientstatus}},messagesubject | Export-csv c:\nithya.csv

Reference Link for message tracking :

February 26th, 2015 2:06am

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