Managed Availability - StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor


I would like to adjust the threshold Health Set "MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor" but target the override specifically at the Monitoring Item, in this case just the C: drive "MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor\C:"

Is there any way to achieve this? I think the answer is no you can only set it at the monitor level and not the target resource however that doesn't help when the thresholds can vary across multiple volumes that show up under the monitor. 

May 28th, 2015 11:02am


By default, we can use Get-ServerHealth -Identity <server name> -HealthSet MailboxSpace |ft -auto identity,*target*,*healthset* to get found MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor.

As far as I know, we can add MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor to override by Add-ServerMonitoringOverride and Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride.
For example:

Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride -Item Monitor Identity MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor -PropertyName MonitoringThreshold -PropertyValue 30 -ApplyVersion 15.0.847.32
Add-ServerMonitoringOverride Server <server name> -Item Monitor -Identity MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor -PropertyName MonitoringThreshold -PropertyValue 30 Duration 10


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May 29th, 2015 3:51am

Thank you for taking the time to answer Allen. What you stated above is correct and I am aware of setting the override for the monitor but what I am trying to achieve is an override for an instance of the monitor ie. "MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor\C:" or "MailboxSpace\StorageLogicalDriveSpaceMonitor\D:"

Because each instances can require different thresholds it is not acceptable to set one threshold across all the volumes. If there was a way to express the value in percentage that would be a different story however there doesn't seem to be a way to do that either.

May 29th, 2015 8:35am

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