MDX Calculated Measure based on today's date

Is there a way to create an MDX Calculated Measure in Excel 2013 based on today's date.

In a normal Excel formula, I can have a calculation like:

=(now()-Start_Date)  / (End_Date - Start_Date)

I tried the following as an MDX Calculated Measure

([NOW]-[Plans].[Plan Start Date]) / ([Plans].[Plan End Date]-[Plans].[Plan Start Date])

and the result is #VALUE!

I am not even sure if this possible.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

July 4th, 2015 12:03pm


As far as I know, a Calculated Measure is a custom calculation that you can create in Excel when you are working with multidimensional data that is stored in SQL Server Analysis Services. Calculated Measures are useful for defining calculations that might not already exist in a database.

The syntax of Calculated Measure is different with a normal Excel formula. For more detail information, please refer to the following link:

Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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July 6th, 2015 2:03am

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