List it
Hello, I use Exch 2007 and would like to get email addresses as a list in the power shell console. I don't look for a csv export. Here what I get: [PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -Identity IDENTID1 | list emailaddresses EmailAddresses : {,, smtp:IDENTID1@company.intra,} That is waht I wish to get: [PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -Identity IDENTID1 | ????? EmailAddresses :,, smtp:IDENTID1@company.intra,} Thanks if you can give me a hand. Graig
January 28th, 2011 4:50am

Is it for single user or multiple? You can use this if it is just for one mailbox/identity (Get-Mailbox -Identity IDENTID1).EmailAddresses | select ProxyAddressString
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January 28th, 2011 5:27am

You can use be,ow cmdlet to get Primary SMTP address as well alais SMTP address. Get-Mailbox | select name , alias ,EmailAddresses | foreach { "Name: "+$ "Alias: "+$_.alias $_.EmailAddresses | foreach { if($_.SmtpAddress){ if($_.IsPrimaryAddress){ "Primary SmtpAddress: $($_.SmtpAddress)" } else { "SmtpAddress: $($_.SmtpAddress)" } } } write-host } Anil
January 28th, 2011 5:56am

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