Installing a second Exchange 2007 Server
I need to 1. install a second Exchange 2007 (same AD site and Domain) 2. migrate the mailboxes over to the second 3. remove the first server The question I have: can i have two servers running same functions in the AD (same site)- Client Access, HubTransport, and Mailboxes? I think Exchange07/Outlook are smart enough to figure out what servers to use based on the location of the mailboxes? Thanks in advance
December 20th, 2010 3:12pm

Sure, absolutely.
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December 20th, 2010 4:17pm

AndyD_, Sure in regards to two mxs07 servers running in the site with the same functions? Do you know any documentation links, I could review for this project? Thanks!
December 20th, 2010 4:20pm

What makes you think you cant do that? :) Here are some pointers: And yes, Outlook mapi users will get redirected automatically to the new server after you move their mailbox.
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December 20th, 2010 4:29pm

I am sure I can, the question is whether everything on the 1st server will continue to run the same way :)) Thanks a lot for your help!
December 20th, 2010 4:34pm

Well, you have to consider remote access and access to the new client access server. If you have ActiveSync/OWA, Outlook anywhere, POP/IMAP users then you will have to consider how you transition that. Ensure you have a certificate on the new server that is trusted by the remote clients and that DNS and firewall rules are updated accordingly. Same with outbound/inbound mail.
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December 20th, 2010 4:49pm

You can CCR the two mailboxes for redundancy, but you have to use NLB for the other roles. If you configure your Autodiscover properly, Outlook 2007 and later client will connect to the user's mailbox automatically.
December 29th, 2010 11:43am

You can CCR the two mailboxes for redundancy, but you have to use NLB for the other roles. If you configure your Autodiscover properly, Outlook 2007 and later client will connect to the user's mailbox automatically.
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December 29th, 2010 7:38pm

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