It is important to me to display properly the name, function and company of a contact when sending an email. I have noticed that when creating a new contact, there is the field "Display as" in Outlook 2013.
This said, when entering the "edit" mode for an existing contact, it is not possible to see that "Display as" field anymore in Outlook 2013.
This means I would need to re-enter the contact details again using "New contact" as a function instead of "Edit" the contact as a function, this simply to have the "Display as" field appear.
That is truly problematic. For example, if a person is promoted, or changes department, you cannot change the way their name is displayed, i.e. you cannot update their function, if you use such details originally in "Display as".
This was possible all the way with Outlook 2010, in edit mode, but is no longer available - it seems - in the edit contact functionality of Outlook 2013. This is, in my humble opinion, annoying, and inflexible.
Please advise if there is a solution and/or a workaround.