How to setup exchange server with SAP server

Dear All,

Kindly provide some ideas to solve below requirement from Exchange server end.

  1. A user send the incident/request to the email address (Mailbox created and doamin  associated records configured already to send/receive external emails and it is working perfect.)
  2. The exchange server receives the email and automatically forward it to ****@FQDN of the SAP SSF server. ( here email ID is email@sapfqdn , not existing accepted doamin at exchange.)
  3. SAP SSF system receives the email, process it and A confirmation email is sent back to the user who sent the email.

I think it can be solved by creating Send connector using address space SAPFQDN and configure email forwarding on mailbox to forward emails to ****@FQDN  (A contact need to create in AD).

Do need to create Accepted doamin to for SAPFQDN ? ( use Internal relay)

Please let know your valuable suggestion..

Thanks in adv

April 23rd, 2014 7:30pm

You need an accepted domain in some other system is sending mail into your Exchange server for that domain.
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April 23rd, 2014 11:50pm

Hi Ed,

Thanks for reply.

 So except Acepted domain, other above mentioned process is correct to setup exchange send connector for SAP server ?

Please let me know if there is other way too to resolve this.

April 24th, 2014 4:15pm

Probably, but it's hard to say without knowing how SAP handles e-mail.
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April 24th, 2014 10:51pm

Hi Ed,

We created Send connector and things are working fine, but there is one issue, kindly let know if any other way to solve this.

1. As required, we have enabled email forwarder on Mailbox to forward it to one contact.

2. Email forwarding is working fine, but Original smtp address is not showing at destination.

3. We tried to configure forwarder using AD attribute "targetaddress", it is working perfect as required, but only for Internal users. same issue when any external user sending emails.

Example -

A sending email to B -> on B mailbox configure forwarding to C -> C is able to see email are coming from B instead of Original sender (A).

Any suggestion would be apreciated.


May 9th, 2014 1:00pm

I recommend you create a new thread for this new issue.
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May 9th, 2014 3:02pm

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