How do I move the System Attendant mailbox to another store in exchange 2003
The store the System Attendant has been having problems. I have moved all users to another store acccept System Attendant, SMTP, and System Mailbox. I would like to know do i only have to move the System Attendant? and If so what is the proper way? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
February 24th, 2007 7:12am
Does any one have any idea?
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February 25th, 2007 11:24pm
I just had to do this. You actually can't move the mailbox. You will have to delete the store that it belongs too. Once the store is deleted you will have to restart the system attendant services. It will then recreate the mailbox in another available mail store. Make sure your recorvery store is deleted. Ours ended up there then I had to delete that store as well. Hope this helps.
February 27th, 2007 2:59pm
I know this is probably too late to be of use to you now, but I thought I would post the answer for anyone else who might have this query.1) Open up adsiedit.msc2) Connect to the configuration context using the pdc/gc (it should be automatically selected for you when you choose the configuration context)3) Navigate to Services / Microsoft Exchange / Organisation Name / Administrative Groups / Administrative Group / Servers / Server Name / Microsoft System Attendant4) Right click on the "Microsoft System Attendant" object and choose properties5) Choose "HomeMDB" and click edit6) Change the CN of the mailstore to the one you wish to move the System Attendant into7) Click ok and exit adsiedit8) Restart the System Attendant service9) In Exchange System Manager, right click on the Mailboxes folder of the mailstore that used to house the system attendant and choose "Run Cleanup Agent" (you should see the old System Attendant mailbox turn into a disconnected account ready for purging)10) Right click on your Exchange Server and choose "Start Mailbox Management Process" (this should force the Exchange system to create the new System Attendant mailbox)11) Check to make sure the new System Attendant account has been created in the correct mailstore, also open Outlook and attempt to conduct a Free/Busy search in the Calendar, if both of these are fine then you can purge the old System Attendant accountI hope this helpsSeri
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April 19th, 2008 12:20pm
Is there any negative consequences from just doing the first method vs the second more involved method? Just wondering because restarting the System Attendant services requires most be restarted anyways doesnt it? I need to do this and was just wondering.
February 9th, 2011 1:40pm